Wildlife Management—manipulation of wildlife to achieve a positive goal. A national park is protect4Qf a of land in which a typical ecosystem with all its and animals are protected and preservedin naf f41 sårroundings. The plants and animals of the earth are also important because of the recreational pleasure they provide us with. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Its efforts are focused on a … • Despite the costs Zimbabwe continues to adaptively investment in Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. and some activities provide indirect help to save the wildlife and nature like different Wildlife awareness programmes, donations, eco-tourism etc. Critical habitat was designated in 1976. Recognize that the philosophy of animal rights is incompatible with science-based conservation and management of wildlife. Through free 45-minute virtual events livestreamed on our website, children can hear WWF experts share stories of their experience working to protect species and habitats around the world. Linking Market Trade and Marine Conservation In Hong Kong – Dr Allen To, WWF Hong Kong PPT 2.23 MB The Live Reef Food Fish Trade: Overview and Synthesis – Dr. Geoffrey Muldoon; WWF CTNI Conservation in the Classroom. The U.S. Secretary of Commerce recently announced the allocation of $300 million in fisheries assistance funding to go to states, Tribes, and territories with coastal and marine fishery participants who have been negatively affected by COVID–19. For each approved PPT you will get 25 Credit Points and 25 Activity Score which will increase your profile visibility. Natural habitats hqve or daegged j.a indiscriminate use of 'synt/getic. The pu Red Li of T r tened se ses p conserva on tatus of It works for the enlis e t d preservati n o endange ed species of PI' nts and al . Focus of the paper This document addresses the hunting of tropical for-est wildlife for food (known as “bushmeat”, “wild-meat”, and/or “game meat”; see 1. for the definition). ÄWildlife is a symbol of national pride and cuffå±a herit4 e/ *Over 100 years ago, there were over 1 la whereas today this number is below 500 6cld ' •Wildlife is renewable source of a large varie 'e of, e cial products like food, leathers, honey, herbal m icin tc, *Scientists and medical research pse e • ' fe'„å research materials on which tri x teritie before there actual a li -o tel ein*i Xenotransp/antatio en I government of India to protec {the ge and li n country, e y the op ation in, Threats to wildlife WildlifÅeverywliere on thereart 'li kÆinction and Popitnat?bn gropth,fastindåstria//sation , ,uÅb contributed ma large-scale nt nir;za/s."' The cone bived«by the "MÆn er IVid Ve of, 'Y O ramme* svmc/&/y 610 thö)vor/d. USDA helped landowners develop conservation plans and enrolled a record number of acres of private working lands in conservation programs, working with more than 500,000 farmers and ranchers to implement conservation practices that clean the air we breathe, conserve and clean the water we drink, prevent soil erosion and create and protect wildlife habitat. 1 . Wildlife: all variety of species of flora and fauna. Key among the reforms, are; the provision for stiffer penalties for wildlife crime, recognition of wildlife conservation as a form of land use, increment of the Protecting an astounding diversity of species. Meaning of wildlife conservation • Wildlife: • According to the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, wildlife includes any animal, bees, butterfly, crustacean, fish and moth; and aquatic or land vegetation, which form part of any habitat. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Within five business days of the first Public Hearing, the draft plan was sent to the Reviewing Agencies listed here. Oct 11, 2016 - This board of #free #Wildlife #Animals #powerpoint #ppt #templates has wide variety of #ppt #designs for you upcoming #Wildlife #Animals #powerpoint #presentation. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Australian Wildlife Conservancy is the largest private owner and manager of land for conservation in Australia, protecting endangered wildlife across more than 6.5 million hectares in iconic regions such as the Kimberley, Cape York, Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre and the Top End. Did you know?? List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (from 50 CFR 17.11, January 29, 2016) Special rules Mammals *Includes both subspecies, the Florida (Trichechus manatus latirostris) manatee and the Antillean manatee (Trichechu . ns a n nion;. “it will take at least 5 million years for speciation to rebuild the biodiversity we are likely to destroy during this century!” (Sustaining Biodiversity) The instrumental value of some species should be taken into consideration. The genetic information in species is also very important to mankind. Clear your doubts from our Qualified and Experienced Tutors and Trainers, Download Free and Get a Copy in your Email. See more ideas about wildlife animals, powerpoint, templates. https://www.slideshare.net/apoorvkumar9277/wildlife-conservation-37245301 Once extinct a species cannot become re-established as there are no live animals left to breed new numbers. Pollution •Air water, usoi[and nbijepo/lu(ion o major factor. The first agency … Nevada Wildlife Action Plan 48 | P a g e Challenges in Wildlife Management Nevada is uniquely challenged in approaching effective wildlife conservation, in part because of its generally arid climate, geography, and relative scarcity of water resources, which has created a unique endemic biota easily subject to threats and stressors. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Africa is home to some of the world's most endangered species, including the mountain gorilla, Grevy’s zebra, and Ethiopian wolf. t o a/ le became a major working principle Valuing and conserving nature Effective and equitable govemance Of nature's IUCN use Deploying nature based solutions to climate, food, and development ÜCÅTprogramm assist societies t conserve na re, The union has identified and documented endangered species of plants and animals and has ed list" categories. Forest Cover of India • As per the State of forest report 2013, forest cover of country is 6,97,898 sq.km (69.79 million hectare) • This is 21.23% of the total geographical area of the country. By: Utkarsh Singh A presentation on: Wildlife Conservation 2. c(uå Tike( to Protect and increa#tiger, IMPORTANT NATIONAL PARKS OF INDIA NAME Jim Corbett National Park Kaziranga National Park Hazaribagh National Park Kanha National Park Sundarbans Tiger Reserve Gir National Park Bandipur National Park Desert National Park —Conservation status STATE IN WHICH LOCATED Uttarakhand Assam Jharkhand MP West Bengal Gujarat Karnataka Rajasthan ANIMAL(S) PROTECTED Tiger (EN) Rhinoceros (CR) Tiger (EN) Tiger (EN) Cheetah (VU) Bengal Tiger (EN) Asiatic lion (EN) Elephant (VU) Tiger (EN) Great Indian Bustard (CR) Black buck (NT) Extinct EW extinct in thewild C * critically endangered ble NT = near threatened éäst, A sanctuary is a protected are of land, wetland or sea reserved for the conservation of wild animals, biyds and plants. Tranquilization and translocation of aberrant tigers has been perfected in the state of West Bengal where the Sundarbans is located. Such species include many large mammals like African elephants, tigers, and rhinoceros. Most species with ‘endangered’ classifications are undergoing a serious struggle for survival, either because they are hunted for food or sale, or because their habitat or food supply has dwindled or disappeared. Before 1972,India only had five designated national parks. Bring conservation and science to life by giving children the opportunity to hear and interact with someone in the field. More people in America spend time watching wildlife than they do watching movies or sports. [traded for their tusks, skins, and horns respectively]. Wildlife conservation has become an increasingly important practice due to the negative effects of human activity on wildlife. Wildlife Art is also one such approach to save nature. Wildlife conservation: preservation of rare population or endangered species of wild plants and animals. The fed t placed them into eight categories can be fe oupedi •o four m41n ategofies as follows: RD SPEÖIE4 ENDANG VULNERNAB, Other measures,taken for Wildlife cons&rvatipn PROGRÅM FOR ENPÄN9ERED RREVÉN*iON OF PO(ACHING, HUNTING ÄNDsBiOklRACY, Enforce Some important legal provisions related to 0 onsérvation: wildlife protection @ F O rest co qp act, 198 @ Nati foat -V e Wildlife tection act 1972 amende 1 1991,-2002 ), Forest conservation act, 1980 India is Ong few cou4tfies in the world w t ich.h aeFof t ct a T as ref rm la din 1 80 and later ct po Oed the government and the forest partrnerJ9 yo:qreate and anag reserved forests, Protectedforests and village Vect non- avernmentaffores/yndforest-/and. Given the right circumstances, living organisms that we call renewable resources can replenish themselves indefinitely. PRESENTATION That is plants, animals, insects, birds and marine life. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Wildlife extinction has a large impact on our world that most people are not aware of. (Humans included.) See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Some activities provide direct help to the wildlife, like services of Veterinary Doctor, Biologist, naturalist etc. Poaching for illegal wildlife trading is a major threat to certain species, particularly endangered ones whose status makes them economically valuable. Wildlife tourism: human activity undertaken to view wild animals in a natural settings or in captivity. Today, there are now government bureaus and organizations that help promote different wildlife conservation areas. Conservation and use of wildlife-based resources: the bushmeat crisis 1. See TWS position statements on The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and on Human Use of Wildlife for more details. Additional wildlife management practices for Urban areas) and listed in alphabetical order within each grouping. 2. As of April 2 12, there were 102 natio OJim Corbett National Park in Ut arakha/ldes lishedin 1936, was thefzrst national ark in India. State Wildlife Grants (SWG) were created with the intent of protecting and managing wildlife species in greatest conservation need. “Species provide economic value in the form of food crops, fuelwood and lumber, paper, and medicine” (Sustaining Biodiversity). Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. I made this presentation while assisting my cousin in his school project work. --—(RAIVISAR CONVENTION)) 1—-CONSERVATlONANDP+c FTHEWORLDCULTUR-AND !ATIONALHERITAGEA. All national P rk la ds then encompasse. The government also aims to implement certain policies that are specifically created to protect the animals. Today, wildlife conservation has evolved into a science, but its goal remains essentially the same: to ensure the wise use and management of renewable resources. It was … Wildlife Conservation in India Hundal showed the presence of about 360 animals in the wild. Introduction 1.1. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. are threats to wildlife biodiversity and can cause fragmentation and extinction. The Wildlife Conservation Society supports zoos and aquariums, while also promoting environmental education and conservation of wild populations and habitats. Wildlife conservation in India(ppt) 1. National forest-policy, 1988 In the year 1952, India formulated hef fifst forest policy which laid mofeuemphasis on revenue generation than on sust inability of forests and their natural functions. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. GIS technology is an effective tool for managing, analyzing, and visualizing wildlife data in order to target areas where conservation practices are needed. Wildlife Conservation Wildlife Conservation. 4, Wildlife prote The act was passed by the Parliament of India to' VotecQådiRs wildlife. The endangered classification is one used by many conservation organizations to describe dangerously low numbers of a particular species. The mission of the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation is to foster education, expand knowledge, and reward scholarship, using multi-disciplinary approaches, for the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biological resources. ON There are many ways to do conservation activities. Wildlife consists of flora and fauna, i.e. • Major driver towards consumptive tourism is the need to fund conservation as some areas are not suitable for non- consumptive due to challenges such as accessibility especially during the rain season . ntro/ mov< of To Cntro/ and•Fgu/ate cattle•gmzing. John E. Reynolds III and Sentiel A. Rommel (BMM); Marine Conservation Biology: The … If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. plants, animals and microorganisms which are not domesticated by humans. reforms, the Act established schedules of prptec'gd, Many nations have reaghed bilateral/ multilateral agreements and have framed rules and regulations (or protection and conserv,ati bf wildlife. Introduction of exotic species Many native species have known to disappear and their existence is under threat because of the introduction of exotic and alien species. “Eco-tourism, generates at least $500 billion per year worldwide” (Sustaining Biodiversity) There are many ways wildlife extinction has an influence on the world. A Presentation on: O Heinrich van den Berg, tion Wildlife ' According to the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, wildlifet, Benefits of WA Wildlife is an essential com food chains, food webs, biog and energy flow through vakous tröphic levels, Preserves v'tality and ealthföffenvironm •t t and, Did you know?? WILDLIFE CONSERVATION. USDA provides voluntary, incentive-based conservation to landowners through local field offices in nearly every county of the nation. Contestants should be familiar with the wildlife management practice s and able to identify which wildlife management practices might be recommended to improve habitat or adjust populations in the ecoregion used for the sae con e. Habitat geospatial analysis is an important key to understanding the health of a species in the wild. Wildlife Conservation is divided in 4 parts (continued) Law Enforcement—ensures that all laws related to wildlife are followed. North America Model of Wildlife Management 1. All Time. aims'to Impart information about develop awareness aßouc th&iævortance of-threatened-biodiversity and-guide-thetr conservatiöil pfbgrammes:and actionsE, rotected areas gndr&reatened species could most effectively be safeguarded if 0/ it 'li?ih i n in/cresåto do so. wildlife production is based the benefits accruing to the land owner. :Amdwoflfer. John R. Twiss Jr. and Randall R. Reeves (CMMM); Biology of Marine Mammals, 1999, Eds. Poaching. On the other hand Conservation is preserving and … We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Wildlife Conservation In India PowerPoint PPT Presentations. The ne '-forest policy emphasises cong tiompf forests a heritage and ensuf& environmentahtabllity and maint&ånce of/ ecölogical balance including atmospheric equilibrium WHIClis k'o vital for life and growth of all life ferms including wildlife. selected chapters from Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals, 1999, Eds. 2. of the new Wildlife Conservation and Management Act (2013) that revolutionizes the conservation of wildlife in Kenya, especially the participation of communities in wildlife conservation. of conservation biology…”-- Opening line of article by Errington and Hamerstrom (1937) on ring-necked pheasants in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management First known mention of conservation biology in the literature… Presentation on nature and wildlife conservation, Flora And Fauna Of Pakistan Beautiful Wildlife, Existing wild life in Pakistan presentation by Allah Dad Khan, No public clipboards found for this slide. The information is used to create new crop types, as well as food, medicines, and vaccines. Please enter the OTP sent to your mobile number: India is home to a major proportion of flora and fauna in the world. Wildlife Management Early legislation (late 1700 –1900) Wolves (1793) - Predator control (bounty) Game (1821) - Regulatory management Snowshoe Hare (1864) - Stocking (introduction) Wildlife Resources (1867) –Provincial jurisdiction 1917 Migratory Bird Treaty Migratory Bird Convention Act meofq RAL WNVENTIOI . If you have your own PowerPoint Presentations which you think can benefit others, please upload on LearnPick. Clndia has CThese cover ver •ndisp hibifi in sanctuaries. Post an enquiry and get instant responses from qualified and experienced tutors. You can change your ad preferences anytime. 4. •ghts ove anctuaries and limited QPrivate Dwners ma be interfere-with e noc breeding of millijä4, e-ieSGf ætsönal sanc NAME Keoladeo Ghana Bird Sanctuary Chilika Lake Bird Sanctuary Manas Wildlife Sanctuary Dachigam Sanctuary Madhumalai Wildlife Sanctuary Nagarjunasagar Sanctuary Periyar Sanctuary Balmiki Nagar Tiger Reserve STATE IN WHICH LOCATED Rajasthan (Bharatpur) Odisha Assam Tamil Nadu (Nilgiri hills) Kerala Bihar ANIMAL/BIRD PROTECTED Siberian crane, famous for birds Water fowls Cranes Ducks Panther Tiger Rhinoceros Kashmiri stag Musk snow leopard Elephant Four-horned antelope Tiger Panther Elephant Tiger, Biosphere reserves Biosphere reseyyes are a specific category of protected area of land.aåd/brco+st+l?åtéåwherein tribal people natiye to tbe åphntegral parrtlof the system. The policy of The Wildlife Society regarding animal rights philosophy is to: 1. a ton 49,219fkm2, comprising 1.210 f ndia total suiace area QA tofg/tofi li6Lug (lie/ pc hav n autho •zed. WILDLIFE ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION. Show: Recommended. : C Nine of the Eighteen bio"Dere.TeswpeseaPåucof theriKor/d Network' of Biosphere Reserves, based on the UNESCÖüün•ån 4e.BzosPhere (MAB) Programme list, 9 of the 18 Biosphere Reserves which are part of the World Network of Bios here Reserves NAME Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Sundarbans National Park Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve Nokrek Biosphere Reserve Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve Simlipal Biosphere Reserve Achanakmar- Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve Nicobar Islands STATE IN WHICH LOCATED Tamil Nadu Kerala Karnataka Tamil Nadu West Bengal Uttarakhand Meghalaya Madhya Pradesh Odisha Chhattisgarh Madhya Pradesh Andaman & Nicobar Islands ANIMAL(S) PROTECTED Nilgiri Tahr Lion-tailed macaque Dugong Sea Cow Royal Bengal Tiger Red Panda Giant Squirrel Flying Squirrel Royal Bengal Tiger Wild Elephant Gaur Wide range of flora and fauna Saltwater Crocodile, on The c follow; Ions f egie sh uld include t e d poli •es: rDecies /ivip jzaøurü habit bul/ghe amp Preservafiqn ((ats•v ssue managémeni i7zfe supporting •vue, (International Union for tion of Nature and Natural _ esources) Ion fog• Con rvation The I ternatl nal IUCN Natu e (IUC n ou,xnte/natz om conse n de a ICON], a to fin g "pra& _ ati tions to f mos pr Ing nv nment and evelopme Echflléåges". St. Johns River Water Management District. Wildlife Conservation (cont.) PowerPoint slide on Wildlife Conservation compiled by Utkarsh Singh. Many endangered species eventually become extinct, meaning that there are no known numbers of the species in the wild. O. See 50 CFR 17.95(a) for description. And microorganisms which are not domesticated by humans you more relevant ads ones whose makes..., Download Free and get instant responses from qualified and experienced tutors preservation of population. The state of West Bengal where the Sundarbans is located and User Agreement for details ’ ve this! And organizations that help promote different wildlife awareness programmes, donations, eco-tourism etc no known wildlife conservation ppt by rahul the... India ( ppt ) 1 they do watching movies or sports is one used by many organizations. Can not become re-established as there are no live animals left to new... 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