Having fun is one way of effectively managing and improving employees’ emotions. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Only problem in flexi breaks could be proper monitoring of the break times, at times these breaks could be taken for granted, no? Allow them the freedom to cherish their victory. 4. Fun At Work Sells. Break down the cliché dichotomy to incorporate fun during work hours. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to incorporate some of that joy and passion into your daily routine. ( Log Out /  We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Enter your email address to follow HRdictionary and receive notifications of new posts by email. We’ve been providing fun, inspiration and entertainment since 2003 and have entertained over 3.5 million people to date. Here are two reasons why: 1. The kind of joyous, playful, break-the-tension fun they engaged in is taking place all around the world in organizations that care about performance, retention and profitability. One of the key elements of the Cloud Garage Method is Culture. I was just poking fun at him—I didn't think he'd take it so personally! We still function with the belief of “Work above all” and schedule our fun activities for chosen days – Fundoo Friday, Family day, Independence day, Sports week etc etc.. Fun At Work, along with Sunshine Events and Fun Depot all come from 16 years experience of providing fun solutions to workplaces and homes. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. They do take their job seriously but a less stressful work environment appeals to their work ethics. Decorate the Place. Choose to approach it with this attitude of play, and you will work with passion. Fun At Work is part of The Fun Experts Group: a team of experts providing FUN with lease, hire and buy solutions. At times, they don’t mind skipping their lunch for work either (without complaints). Having fun helps businesses to drive forward with the right culture, being known as the ‘BEST place to work’, meaning they attract the most talented employees to create that world-class team. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The humorist has long been poking fun at figures high in the social and political spheres, drawing the ire of many of them as a result. Fun At Work, along with Sunshine Events and Fun Depot all come from 16 years experience of providing fun solutions to workplaces and homes. Fun: someone or something that … Why Mandatory Fun at Work Is Awful (But Every Company Insists on It) Topics: Work Culture. The word “fun” may strike fear into the hearts of many bosses, as it could be perceived as an invitation to give messing around greater precedence than actually doing work. Yes Nupur, Agree….flexi break hours req monitoring.. We have an intelligent sys of keeping check on this..will share with u on mail, oh sure, will really appreciate if you share, waiting for your email . Number of participants: All. In many ways, ‘fun at work’ is a misleading phrase. Another word for fun. If you don’t have fun at this time, you could end up a grumpy old bugger. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This article was originally published on georgejlloyd.com. The standard “we work hard and play hard” motto isn’t enough. ... office in a casual atmosphere makes it easy for people to get to know one another and form new memories while having fun… Keeping employee morale up helps people stay productive, but there comes a point when having fun at work gets in the way of, you know, actually doing work. They are open to Cross training assignments and new learning ways. ‘Fun at work’ can be misleading. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Tools needed: A lot of … Having fun at work facilitates informal learning, and lead to employees doing better jobs, says a study. Organizations that participate in these kinds of events are certainly well-meaning. Hey Nidhi, thanks for dropping by .. Sure will post u too. This will make your company culture infinitely more attractive to new talent. Our Fun Experts family also includes Sunshine Events UK  (hire equipment for fun days, exhibitions, conferences) and Fun Depot  (to purchase fun equipment). By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Work requires exertion and effort in order to pay the bills and put food on the table, whereas play is all about fun and enjoyment. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. (e.g. Functionally, Fun-at-work policy arrived at workplace long ago but is still treated more as periodic activities and less as workplace culture. Motivated purely by the opportunity to have a little fun at work, the aviation workers increased their performance dramatically. Social Recruiting – Join the discussion at indiahrlive.com on 3 Dec, 3 weeks of remote work and social isolation (COVID-19) – Week 1. You spend a third of your life at work. Nearly every employer touts it and only a few actually mean it. Millennials love celebrating their success and accomplishments, big and small. Employees love to work hard when they also get to play hard. Having fun helps us learn better. Fun At Work Day is a holiday that is celebrated on January 28 th each and every year. 2. Productive Power of Laughter It’s probably not a surprise that a fun working environment makes us happier at work. By making work more fun, you are making your teams more collaborative and you are giving your employees the permission to become the best they can be. The purpose of this blog post is to provide you with a range of strategies to help you incorporate fun into work life. Start to promote the benefits of humor at work. Happy employees are healthier and more productive – so don’t overlook the importance of having fun in the workplace How much is too much fun on the job? Hi Dear… even I would like to know the way of monitoring thesame. But, that definitely doesn’t mean that your entire career will be a walk in the park. Last Updated: May 12, 2020 References The first step to having fun at work is believing that the words “fun” and “work” belong in the same sentence. They are good at learning and multitasking too. “FUN AT WORK” – What it means to Millennials. New, more contagious COVID strain identified in 4 states. Time: Depends on each person. Thank you guys! Find more ways to say fun, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Fun At Work breeds loyalty Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It helps engage your employees. Social events, fun at work etc lose meaning if they can not be supported by a larger business context in which everyone is striving to grow. Self challenges & new learning opportunities. Find more ways to say fun, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. On the third Thursday of the month, go to a pub for food and/or drinks and … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Something they have not organized before, something that can entertain, motivate and engage employees. A job, by definition, is not necessarily fun, or enjoyable. That single word encompasses a whole range of practices about how we manage our projects, and how we interact with our stakeholders and each other. Fun at work isn’t only about foosball tables and Funny-tie Friday – a fun working environment is one that lets everyone participate in the company’s direction. Coffee breaks between work and no fixed lunch hour appeals to today’s employees. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Replace it with Flexi “Break time”. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. So, let’s explore some of the ways a little fun can make a big difference. Over time productivity increased, staff retention soared, HR issues reduced and the financial success followed. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In this video interview with business psychologist Simon Kilpatrick, we learn that people learn better when they are having fun. Find another word for fun. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! According to research published by CIPHR, productivity is directly … These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Fun At Work is part of The Fun Experts Group: a team of experts providing FUN with lease, hire and buy solutions. One of my favorite parts of the Cloud Garage culture is the fact that it includes a fun work environment. But today’s generation of employees, the Millenials, look Fun-at-work differently. It’s also a holiday that shouldn’t be mixed up with International Fun At Work Day – a holiday that falls on April 1 st.This is a holiday in which workers blow off a little bit of steam at work. poke fun at (someone or something) To mildly taunt or mock someone or something; to make fun of someone or something. In the absence of growth and positivism, the social events are quite lackluster. It’s a bit like targeting happiness in relationships; if it happens at all it usually happens as a result of doing several things that may result in happiness, but it is rarely the sole objective. How much fun are you having at work? Clearly something that you arent having if you're searching it on here. The driving force would require a great culture, real core values and a belief that this would lead to longer term success rather than quick ‘short term’ wins. These cookies do not store any personal information. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Why employees dislike Bell Curve/ Stack Ranking? Having a great company culture is what makes employees want to show up to work every day and put in their best. Celebrities face backlash for jet-setting during pandemic Dealing with work stresses day in and day out is hard. How to Have Fun at Work and Be Passionate About Your Job When you wake up in the morning, it's you who decides how you will approach your day. at work. Work is hard. Here’s how Gabrielle Shultis says wellness company Voom incorporates fun into their company while staying true to their mission and values: We’re a really small company, so we have the flexibility to actually take our activities outside the office! Having fun at work can also contribute to employee wellness. Tanya Roberts has died after early, inaccurate death report. Fun at Work is part of The Fun Expert family, which believes that having fun makes good business sense. Back in 2003, Sunny Sandwell had the inspiration to create a business that she wanted to be part of and would enjoy opening the door to in the morning. But happier workers also perform better, have closer relationships with co-workers, and take more pride in their work than their less-jubilant counterparts. Fun at work can take many forms. But if you take research by Kansas State University into consideration, this couldn’t be further from the truth. A fun, positive company culture is without a doubt good for business. Back in 2003, Sunny Sandwell had the inspiration to create a business that she wanted to be part of and would enjoy opening the door to in the morning. Internal networking groups, book exchange clubs, cross team interactions makes work a fun place. Can something be funner or funnest? Visitors would say how they felt it as soon as they opened the door and their conversations quickly turned to asking how this had been achieved. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. We have over 70 Fun Experts covering the UK delivering fun from Preston and Milton Keynes Depots. 30 minutes lunch and 10 minutes evening break is an outdated practice. It must be remembered that there is no “one best way” to have fun, as every organization (and every individual within that organization) will have a different idea of what fun … That’s a long time to maintain a straight-faced, no-nonsense attitude without a little levity here and there.. Fortunately, there are companies out there that actively cultivate a sense of joy and fun at work… Paint over … How to use fun in a sentence. If a study that was released last month is anything to go by, ensuring that you have fun while working can make all the difference in establishing a good working culture and helping employees do their jobs better. “I am immensely proud that we are recognised as The Fun Experts and have won many outstanding awards but, for me, what I really enjoy is the opportunity to give talks, attend round tables, host webinars and there is a book on its way….to spread the word about the importance and impact Fun at Work can REALLY make within business!”, Corporate Social Responsibility – Finalist, These companies know how to have Fun At Work…. They dislike boredom, fatigue, tension and look for opportunities to connect, bond and learn from others at work. With a stronger organisational culture, your people will clearly see the meaning behind their work and their place in the bigger picture. harmful humor, off-color jokes, sexual humor, humor tarnishing the organization) 3. Fun At Work is the solution that Sunny has created to help UK businesses deliver what is missing for them. Engaged employees are more productive. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. While it may be popular to say "I am passionate about my work… With Christmas and New Year around the corner, HR pros everywhere are busy planning new and innovative fun activities at work. They enjoy the idea of “Working with fun” instead. ( Log Out /  It’s an age if technology so why not utilizes it to bring people across regions and countries together. Engaging them at work isn’t a big deal; their definition of Fun is simple yet effective. Having fun at work doesn't mean ignoring your responsibilities. Today we celebrate National Fun at Work Day. They love to challenge themselves with new assignments and tasks. Happy employees are healthier and more productive – so don’t overlook the importance of having fun in the workplace Social connections at workplace are great. It was not a secret and Sunny would happily share her vision, her passion and her proven method to success. Organize a “Fun Committee” for dreaming up fun “stuff” to do during and after work. They are vibrant and so their surrounding – clothes, gadgets, personal stuff so why not their workstations. That’s right — work doesn’t have to be a holding cell that keeps you away from the fun of your regular life and can even be a place you come to for laughter and fulfillment. Office Makeover. The concept of having fun at work as opposed to taking everything very seriously is a relatively new one in today’s world. Functionally, Fun-at-work policy arrived at workplace long ago but is still treated more as periodic activities and less as workplace culture. Sunny soon realised that what had become ‘normal’ for the business and its culture was not the standard in other businesses and they were missing this vital part. It’s also proven to improve teamwork, build trusting relationships and increase employee retention. Something they have not organized before, something that can entertain, motivate and engage employees. ( Log Out /  Go about it the right way, and you'll boost your creativity, resilience and productivity. work definition: 1. an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for…. Freedom to celebrate accomplishments with peers. Synonym Discussion of fun. As HR pros, why not we re-work our concept of “Fun at work” as per the new generation employees, the Millennial generation…our generation? Having fun makes employees more productive. So, you could say that we know what we’re doing here…and we really are The Fun Experts! I do not personally favor the practice of “Fun at work” the way it exists. Having some fun at work 藍. I mean it’s way more fun to take pics of furniture when people are in it 藍藍藍 #girlboss #funatwork #rearrange #redecorate #newfurnitureeveryday #stockup #anniversarysale Life to them is colorful and lively. Learn more. Simply put, fun sells. There are countless benefits to finding a job that makes you happy, not the least of which is not having to suffer from the Sunday night blues, the Monday morning misery, the Tuesday terrors or…well you get our point. Institute Pub Thursday. I do not personally favor the practice of “Fun at work” the way it exists. 92 synonyms of fun from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 166 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Add fun to meetings. Another word for fun. Fun at work isn’t only about football tables and Funny-tie Friday – a fun working environment is one that lets everyone participate in the company’s direction. So if continuous improvement and development is important to you and your brand, then so should encouraging fun at work. ( Log Out /  Define what fun is in your workplace and what it is not. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Treats, parties and small get together, pizza & coffee outings peers are their ways of celebrations. Change ). Our brains need passion, play, and release at work. Fun At Work is the easy to implement, low-cost SOLUTION that transforms your workplace into a PRODUCTIVITY boosting, PERFORMANCE IMPROVING environment that helps you to recruit better people and retain the stars you’ve already got… Could Fun At Work be the lubrication needed in YOUR business to BOOST your culture and…. Spruce up that drab cubicle with some pictures of family and friends. The average American purportedly spends 90,000 hours (about a third of their life!) This is their idea of keeping the excitement and interest going at work. Fun at work, fun at work ideas, Fun at work-what it means to millennials, fun at workplace, make work a fun place. Being passionate about work doesn’t always mean being happy (though often you can and will be). Fun definition is - what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech. This unofficial holiday is known by some to always be celebrated on January 28, but … There are a lot of equipment and machines in an office but employees are not among them. Of keeping the excitement and interest going at work day is a holiday that is celebrated on 28... Every year Group: a team of Experts providing fun with lease hire... Idea of keeping the excitement and interest going at work ’ is a misleading.. Learn that people learn better when they are vibrant and so their surrounding clothes! Remembering your preferences and repeat visits of fun from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 166 related words definitions! 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