You can also grow lettuce all year round in a greenhouse or sunny windowsill. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) can be grown in nearly all climate zones, but as a cool-season vegetable it does best when growing in the spring and fall—or even winter in southern climates. Any pest-damaged, wilted, or otherwise problematic leaves on the plant can be pruned out at any time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Boston or butterhead lettuce is tender, with bright green outer leaves and a slightly yellow heart. Heirloom red romaine type from 1885. Lettuce is one of the easiest veggies to grow in containers, in your garden or indoors and the results of your efforts are seen fairly quickly. If you’re growing only for baby leaf production, you may be able to grow your loose-leaved varieties closer together. Regular applications of compost also recommended. Most of these varieties are hybrids of two different styles of lettuce mentioned above. You can buy lettuce from the market anytime but believe this–homegrown lettuce tastes so ecstatic–just like tomatoes that you will always desire to grow your own, once you have it. Sometimes referred to as asparagus lettuce, the leaves are edible but tend towards bitter. Romaine or crisphead lettuce is best used shortly after harvest as well, but can be stored as well. Use a spinosad spray like Monterey Garden Insect Spray to deal with these tiny jumping beetles. You can grow your lettuce directly in ground-level beds, but if you do that, be sure to keep a watchful eye out, as slugs and snails are very happy to eat all your young crops! If necessary, you can move your plants indoors. Garnet-colored savoyed leaves. I opt to grow lettuce in shadier locations year-round, just to get the most out of those areas which won’t usually provide much produce. Bright yellow-green loose-leaf variety. If the soil is starting to dry out in the top inch, water to a depth of at least six inches. A: Mesclun is actually a mix of different types of lettuce leaves. Long season. While you're here, why not follow us on Facebook and YouTube? These lettuces have an erect growth pattern, with long spoon-shaped leaves that form a tight head pattern. Sweet-flavored lettuce with large clusters of ruffled green leaves. Tender, yellow centers with rose tints. It’s really easy and with a bit of planning you can grow lettuce year round. Broad beans are perfect for any garden. Even Free! Read on to find out how to harvest and store your lettuce. No bitterness in flavor. Lettuce seed is inexpensive. Lettuce greens. Garden zones with minimum temperatures in the 60s can grow lettuce all year round. Romaine lettuce is a classic choice for Caesar salad. Any year-round productive garden needs careful planning. These beans can grow all year round especially if you incubate them in a greenhouse. Very attractive. If you’ve got a window that receives some direct sunlight, you can grow herbs and vegetables like lettuce indoors on a windowsill quickly. Follow these tips for the best chance of lettuce success! Lettuce is surprisingly easy to grow and does not take up … There are many different options to keep these much larger garden-munchers at bay, but one of the easiest is to place floating row covers over your lettuce bed. This is usually caused by inconsistent watering. One of the most troublesome aspects of lettuce is that it is best when really fresh. Thrips will scar your lettuce or cause it to yellow and wilt. For more information, check out this good read here. Even though the lid helps insulate the box you need to keep in mind the ground is still cold underneath. Whether you've run out of space in your garden or you want to grow lettuce year round, you can grow lettuce plants quickly and easily indoors. That keeps other insect pests out, too! A baby-leaf variety with sawblade-like dark red leaves. Cos lettuce can also be stored this way, or broken down into individual leaves and stored as you would with a loose-leaf variety. This is especially true of loose-leaf lettuces, which are best eaten the day that they’re picked. Sometimes these will include other things such as radicchio or Napa cabbage, but most of the time it’s just a blend of lettuce types. A light green romaine with dense, upright heads. But if you’re growing a number of lettuce types as most of us do, you will want to purchase new seed rather than save your own, as it may form unusual and less-favorable hybrids. And if you live where the sun shines brightly year round, you don’t even need a grow-light to get started. Old lettuce variety. You can also opt to use a floating row cover to provide shade, but be sure that the ends are kept open to provide airflow. Our Garden Planner has a number of powerful features to help you really maximise your space and your time. Click, What are the best vegetables to grow on a windowsill? Being able to grow lettuce indoors, year-round provides you with a constant supply of freshly grown greens. Move it outdoors or close to the position that receives more sunlight with the help of wheels. Slimy slugs and snails will eat huge gouges out of your lettuce leaves if given half a chance. Here is more about our approach. Here is an inexpensive way to grow a wonderful assortment of lettuces with minimal effort! Trim off any affected leaves and destroy them. Begin by filling a bowl full of cold or cool water. I created Epic Gardening to help teach 10,000,000 people how to grow anything, no matter where they live in the world. Lettuce likes the temperature range between 45 and 65 degrees best. Do you prefer crisp lettuces or tender buttery ones? Lettuce is so easy, packed with nutrients, and absolutely delicious, so it’s no surprise we all love to grow this versatile green. As long as there’s enough ventilation around the plants, they’ll continue to thrive in their shady spot! A thorough application of neem oil will also reduce the presence of thrips, another sucking pest. Leaf varieties can be harvested as directed in the “pruning” section up above, using a sharp pair of scissors. You can also use this method to try to make lettuce “chips”, but as they crumble in your fingers, this may be more trouble than it’s worth; using them as a powder is easier. Aphids, thrips, flea beetles, cutworms, root knot nematodes, snails, slugs, larger animals like rabbits/woodchucks/deer, Fungal infections like sclerotinia, bacterial infections such as pseudomonas, downy mildew, aphid-borne disease like lettuce necrotic yellows or the lettuce mosaic virus. Q: Are there good companion plants for lettuce? However indoor vegetables can grow year-round, bringing cheer even during the dreary winter months. Another way is to plant lettuce with other herbs in a vertical ladder planter. There’s a reason that lettuce is one of the most popular plants to grow. I’ve been doing it for years now, experimenting with different varieties and season extenders in our colder northern climate and I can tell you it’s amazing to harvest green food when there’s snow on the ground! Here are nine easy vegetables and leafy greens you can grow indoors year-round. The cos or headed varieties are going to form heads that you will harvest as a whole, but the leafy types need regular trimming to keep them growing. Most lettuce likes humus-rich soil with a high nitrogen content. These tiny pests suck the fluids out of tender leaves and stems. Large-spreading loose-leaf heads with burgundy-colored edges. Beautiful appearance. You can broadcast seed for a larger area, or you can plant in rows, depending on your preference. Place them in an area with indirect bright lighting like a window, and make sure the temperature range is between 45-65 degrees for best growth. If you start seed in advance, you can easily transplant out lettuce into your garden beds once it’s ready. A: Lettuce likes to hang out with carrots, radishes, cucumbers and strawberries. Either that, or they’re distinctive enough that they’d make an interesting addition to your garden! Your chosen location must also be a safe one. If you cover your raised beds with hoops and floating row covers (fleece) you can grow vegetables all year round even in quite cold climates. Let’s go over some different kinds and see the differences. If you find your lettuce tastes bitter or is woody in texture, it’s too old. Aphids are a common pest on lettuces, and for that matter nearly any green and leafy vegetable. A growing cart like this will provide you an option of year-round gardening. To deter aphids, planting rows of chives, cilantro, or garlic between rows of lettuce will help, as aphids don’t like the aroma of these plants. Popular variety. Frillice or frilly-leaved lettuce variety with a crisp bite. Unfortunately, lettuce does not hold up well to long-term preservation techniques. With a good focus on gardening basics like proper water, shade, and planting in succession, lettuce can be a constant harvest from your garden almost the entire year long. Let’s explore the diversity of lettuce types and find the perfect variety for you! Very winter-hardy. Plants like cilantro or dill will lure in beneficial insects to eat your aphid population. Whether you prefer the salad standard of Iceberg (crispheads), or a nice leafy green, there’s going to be a lettuce for you! Because lettuce can tolerate low light more, compare to other fruiting vegetables, it’s one of the perfect edibles that you can start growing without soil indoors. Can be grown as either a Romaine-type lettuce or a leaf-type. Don’t hesitate to try growing lettuce at home. Source: thesoutherngardener, Little Gem lettuce seedlings. This will encourage your plant to keep producing more leaves from its center, and as they mature, they will replace the removed outer leaves. But if you’re wishing to have fresh greens year-round, you need to make your selections based on more than just appearance. You need to pick a decorative pot, and it doesn’t have to be quite large as lettuce roots are not so deep. Dehydrated lettuce does not rehydrate very well. Careful planning means you can make the most of your garden all year round Plan for Year-Round Harvests . Source: missellyrh, Rouge d’Hiver lettuce plot. One of the most common problems is poor germination. You can check out some ladder planter ideas for inspiration here. Source: essgee51, Black Seeded Simpson lettuce. Fill it 3/4 with potting soil, plant the seeds, and you are done. Quick-growing and heat resistant. Find out. Types of commonly lettuce grown There are innumerable different types of lettuce varieties available to choose from, with four of the most commonly grown types being leaf, romaine, iceberg, and bibb lettuce. Source: Scot Nelson, Four Seasons lettuce. Don’t apply this directly to the leaves of your lettuce plants if you’re planning on harvesting soon, though – apply directly to the soil around the plants. Ruffled light green leaves. Once it’s dry, place your leaves between paper towels to absorb any stray moisture, and then place them in a sealed plastic bag. You can also grow smaller-leafed lettuces beneath rows of broccoli or under tomato plants to provide added shade from the sun. Prior to planting your lettuce, it’s advisable to work some aged compost in about 6″ below the soil’s surface. Be sure that the soil temperature has dropped below 80 degrees, and plant away. Submerge your leaves and dunk them repeatedly to rinse off any dust or grit that has gotten caught in the leaves. Do not plant them lower than the soil level in the pot — keep the transplant flush with the soil’s surface around it. To plant lettuce, you first need to ensure your soil is prepared. Direct sow your seed 1/4″ to 1/2″ under the surface. Lettuces are easy to grow in the smallest of gardens or even in pots on a balcony or patio. Of course you need to choose the right types of vegetables for growing through the winter. Spring mix is also a blend. For the best lettuce experience, pick early in the morning and refrigerate for eating the same day. Heads close early and fill in quickly. Good cold tolerance. Grow Lettuce Year Round 4 Comments If you live in a temperate climate, it’s possible to enjoy a variety of fresh lettuces all year long…from early spring straight on until the end of winter. 1894 heirloom crisphead lettuce. Epic Gardening occasionally links to goods or services offered by vendors to help you find the best products to care for plants. They also tend towards unusual shapes and crinkled styles, making them visually appealing. This leafy vegetable is very particular about its growing conditions, thriving in cooler temperatures. I’ve also included a list of ways to use up the excess lettuce you may find on hand. Spreading a granular bait such as Garden Safe Slug & Snail Bait will distract them from your produce, and when they eat the bait, they die. A crinkled looseleaf variety with green striations. Cos or other loose-headed varieties should be spaced 8″ apart, and firm types should be 16″ apart. So purple it’s almost ebony, deeply crinkled leaves, and pale hearts. If the weather is mild, don’t water until you’ve checked your soil moisture. You can also opt for a liquid fertilizer. An iceberg variety with reddish-tinted leaves. This will help you preserve your leaf lettuce for a few days’ time. The box has allowed us to grow lettuce year round. Plan your sowing and look after the plants and you could be eating home-grown lettuce all year round, says Monty Don. If you are growing only one variety of lettuce, you shouldn’t have cross-pollination issues, so you can save seed for the next growing season. Harvest earlier and more consistently for the best flavor. To grow lettuce indoors you will need a good source of light and adequate moisture. It’s an easy-growing addition and well worth the minimal time spent! Using a drip irrigation system regularly can reduce the likelihood of tip burn. Water makes up the majority of your lettuce’s crisp greens, so they require regular watering. Spreading beneficial nematodes will help to wipe out the population of the pest nematodes, as they will seek out and kill the other varieties. The name “cos” comes from the Greek island of Cos, which is where Romaine-style lettuces are believed to have originated. Lettuce … The year I took some of these photos had an abundance of lettuce in my box I used Romaine Lettuce which is known to grow well in colder temperatures. Mint-green leaves tinged with mahogany red, savoyed shape. Soil is cheap. Cold-hardy, slow to bolt. Once your seeds are planted, water them in lightly and regularly water them every few days until germination. It’s best to use it in its dried form. Yes, this means that you can grow lettuce year round. Sow every 2-3 weeks for a continuous harvest. Treat the rest of the plant with Bonide Copper Fungicide to reduce further spread. Alternately, you can let them drain thoroughly in a collander and blot them dry with paper towels. Still, if you have an abundance of lettuce, this might be an option for you! You can also add alfalfa meal or other nitrogen-rich additives in at this point, about a week before you plant. Check your plants on warmer days. Looseleaf lettuces should be spaced about 3-4″ apart. It’s best to harvest your lettuce early rather than letting it go later. Less susceptible to twisted leaves. An iceberg-type with medium-sized firm heads. Getting your lettuce off to a good start is the best way to ensure you’ll have an abundant crop. Summer is the best time of year to grow, as you'll have the most natural light available. Managed properly, lettuce can be grown all year round to provide the main part of most salad dishes. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers such as fish or seaweed-based liquids or alfalfa meal. 1. These plants are often raised for baby lettuce leaves, but are still quite tasty as full-grown leaves. Slow to bolt, heat-resistant. This also means that you can enjoy fresh greens even with snow on the ground. To prevent this, space your plants well apart to provide for plenty of airflow, and reduce your frequency of watering. Most of the varieties in the butterhead family need cooler weather and high-quality soil in order to grow well. You can start some lettuce plants in advance, 4-6 weeks prior to the final frost, and transplant them out once the ground is able to be worked. By harvesting only the outer leaves, you can keep harvesting from leaf lettuce for quite a while before you resort to harvesting the head itself. A lack of good drainage can cause your roots to develop rot, and that will ruin the plant. Spinach. The classic “salad lettuce” of the United States. Oak-leaf shaped leaves with a cos growth habit. A helpful article on growing lettuce under the grow lights is here to read. Lettuce seeds germinate in temperatures between 40 to 80 degrees F, depending on the cultivar. Lettuce 'All Year Round' is slow to run to seed that you can enjoy when you like, meaning that there is a long window of opportunity for harvesting. Disease, pest and heat resistant, with medium-sized head growth and good flavor. Extremely bolt-resistant and heat-resistant, great flavor, popular romaine type. Brilliant green leaves with burgundy spotting. To prevent bolting during hotter months, try planting lettuce beneath taller leafy plants like tomatoes to give it shelter from the hot sun. The bacillus in that spray will kill off the larval stages of cutworm moths and many other caterpillars. These attack the roots, causing knotting, scarring, and large nodules to develop on the roots and preventing your plant from absorbing nutrients. There’s multiple different methods to prevent these, but all of them involve bait. However, when peeled, the stem itself is crisp, tasty, and tends to be sweet. Source: VitaminGreen, Rouge Grenobloise lettuce. Start the year with varieties that thrive in cool soil and relatively low light conditions. However, if your lettuce is wilting faster than you’re making salads, you can use your lettuce greens up quickly by making a creamy lettuce soup or by making a stir-fry with them. Extremely dark red lettuce with crisp, waxy leaves. Lettuces require up to 16 hours of sunlight and need fertilization after each harvest. It will not germinate at soil temperatures above 80 degrees. The mild Mediterranean climate of U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11 presents a unique growing opportunity for gardeners. For a long season of salad greens, plan on buying at least eight or 10 different kinds of seeds. Continue planting vegetables, including lettuce, kale, broccoli, and collards September through November to enjoy during winter months. Heat tolerant and bolt-resistant. Lobed dark red leaves with a bright green interior. Rabbits, woodchucks, and deer can all be drawn to your lettuce beds, and will helpfully eat anything you have there. It’s also heat tolerant, while being more nutritious than iceberg. This occurs when you’re not watering consistently or frequently enough while trying to sprout new plants. Sweet buttery flavored heirloom. This the easiest way for growing lettuce indoors. August, September, October, November are the months for planting cool weather vegetables. Vegetables That Grow Year-Round. However, it could take a few weeks or even months before you are able to harvest the edible part of the plant. Here’s a list of common issues you may encounter and how to handle them. Crazy name! While most people do not think of lettuce as being something which is meant to be cooked, it can be treated like spinach or other wilting greens, and can make a tasty side dish or a lightly-sweet soup. Finally, if you’re in an area where you get a bone-chilling winter, be sure to put a cold frame over your lettuce to give it some warmth. Fish or seaweed emulsions work very well, as does a rich compost tea. If you cut it off at the base, a full head of crisphead lettuce can be stored wrapped in paper towels in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to a week. Source: Elsa Spezio, Best Work Gloves: Getting The Right Gloves For Your Job, Fence Planters: Fantastic & Free Plans To Get More Growing Space, Regular, about 1” per week or more in hot conditions, 45-65 degrees Fahrenheit preferred, can tolerate heats up to 75 degrees. However, these varieties deserved a mention. Much as others have said, to grow lettuce year-round you'll probably have to use a temperature-controlled greenhouse, or else grow the lettuce indoors. We're always looking to improve our articles to help you become an even better gardener. Good mild flavor and bright green coloring. Because it’s growing so quickly, lettuce can use up a significant amount of soil nutrients. Heat-resistant, bolt-resistant. Once you’ve thoroughly washed off the leaves (which may take a couple attempts, especially if they’re particularly dusty), you can place your leaves in a salad spinner to spin them dry. There are so many types of lettuce to choose from – all with different colours, flavours and … Good Products To Treat Lettuce Pests/Diseases: There are many, many kinds of lettuce available. Cos or butterhead varieties can either be harvested leaf by leaf, or can be harvested as a whole head when they are semi-firm but not solid. Varieties range from pale green to extremely dark red in coloration. Simply prepare a bowl full of ice and ice water and soak your lettuce leaves in it for about 15-30 minutes. A mini-romaine variety which produces bronze-red, oval-shaped leaves. Popular traditional butterhead variety with light green leaves. The pseudomonas bacteria can cause base rot and leaf rot, as shown in the picture above. Unfortunately, it doesn’t contain a lot of nutrients, although it’s a good source of fiber. Also, watch this tutorial video on YouTube for more information. The initial pre-sowing fertilization is the most important. It may be hungering for a good dose of nitrogen. However, you can store loose-leaf lettuce for a few days if needed. The crisphead is the variety that most of us are familiar with from the grocery store. This article contains incorrect information, This article is missing information that I need. There are some cultivars which will grow readily at warmer temperatures as well, but they may start to bolt quickly. One way to ensure you can eat salad year-round is to grow your own lettuce. For more information on growing lettuce in water and other edibles, read this post here. And if you are like me, then this is great news because I hate being forced to buy veggies from the store during winter months. Another Chinese stem lettuce which is tolerant to both heat and cold. Be sure to press out all excess air. To combat these, spray all surfaces of your lettuce with neem oil. Most varieties are consumed fresh and serve as the base of salads and burgers. Growing lettuce in Florida is easy as long as you plant at the right time and the correct variety. In some areas, you may be able to grow lettuce year-round, but in most locations, you will want to plant your lettuce as soon as the ground is able to be worked. Slow to become oversized. Downy mildew-resistant. Source: Suzies Farm, Parris Island Cos lettuce. It should be well-draining, able to hold water well without becoming soggy or compacted. While there are ways to prevent these caterpillars using plant collars or other similar things, I recommend spraying your plants with Monterey BT. These plants are quick-growing and will steal away the nitrogen that the lettuce requires to thrive. But if your goal is to grow lettuce in less-than-ideal conditions, you need to look deeper. Later in the day, even the nicest-looking leaf lettuce will be softer than you’d prefer. Buttery-flavored 6-8″ tall slightly crumpled leaves. The hard part with lettuce (shown above) is not the fall, spring or even winter. Source: rodeworks, Tom Thumb lettuce, a baseball-sized head. Used in a lot of Asian cooking, and in China, it’s referred to as “wosun”. A Chinese stem lettuce grown not for the leaves, but for its tasty stalk. Growing your lettuces close to chives or garlic plants helps to keep the vegetable pest free. This will help give your lettuce a good start as it begins growing. Crisp texture. When temperatures are too cold or too hot, lettuce has little chance to thrive. To harvest full heads of lettuce, you can opt to either cut off the lettuce at its base, or to pull the plant out roots and all. Leaf lettuce, also referred to as looseleaf lettuce, doesn’t form as compact and tight of a head. Slow to bolt. Planting times: North Florida: Sept – Oct & Feb – Mar Central Florida: Sept – March South Florida: Sep – Jan For beginners, who are planning to grow these salad greens hydroponically, start with the bibb lettuce. Amend your soil with compost or other soil nutrients about a week prior to planting for best success. Check out some of the most common lettuce varieties below: You can buy a commercial salad growing cart for this purpose or build your own salad table for growing lettuce. This will protect it from the elements. While some types of lettuce have lower rates of germination than others, the majority typically have about an 85% germination rate, so your watering habits are likely the issue. It should be loose and well-draining, and you will want to make sure it’s well broken up. If the crown of your lettuce is starting to elongate, it’s about to bolt to seed. Looseleaf varieties of lettuce are the only ones that typically require pruning. Plant in succession every 2 weeks to ensure you have a consistent crop throughout the growing season. Source: anneheathen, A flea beetle, one of the many lettuce pests. This is especially important for any savoyed leaves, as they can trap all sorts of garden soil in their indentations. We aren’t promising that growing this way will complete all your lettuce needs, but you’ll be able to use this little supply in your salads and other preparations. Miniature butterhead lettuce which makes baseball-sized tasty heads. For many of us, the summer is the biggest obstacle to growing lettuce year round. Also called Strawberry Cabbage lettuce. It’s best to harvest your lettuce early in the morning when it’s at its crispest. Downy mildew will cause light green to yellow spots on the top of lettuce leaves. Be sure that there’s ample amount of space for your plants to breathe. You have entered an incorrect email address! You need to harvest lettuce while the leaves are tender and flavorful, before they begin to bitter. 15 Old Tea Tins Turned Into Fabulous Indoor Plant Homes, 14 Really Cute Tabletop Garden DIYs for 2021, 25 Beautiful Succulent Hanging Garden Ideas, 45 Houseplants Full of Colors | Colorful Indoor Plant Pictures, 13 Raised Bed Ideas for Balcony Gardeners. Incubate them in lightly and regularly water them in a greenhouse November are the ones. Grown not for the right types of vegetables for growing through the base of United... Plant and protect against weeds Amazon Associate, I recommend spraying your plants well apart to for... For you can you grow lettuce all year round mildew will cause light green to extremely dark red lettuce with neem oil lettuce! 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