When I’m in a stuffy, warm room, with no air movement, I feel like I can’t breathe. I believe mine stems from when i was younger. I swear my breathing problems only happen at certain times of the day. This might sound silly, but you could purchase a floor fan, use it over vacation, and maybe return it to the store….. . related, but now not so sure about this?? I started to feel better as soon as I felt the air, it cooled me down. Just knowing I can’t open my window if I need to sends me into a panic mode. Walgreens actually has an unusually good selection of fans this time of year from little handheld ones to tiny desk fans and all the way up. Having a window open (if possible), some level of distraction (smartphone/ipod is a lifesaver) and knowledge of breathing techniques gives me a transient level of control, but I now always initially feel trapped and breathless. It feels smothering, dry, and very uncomfortable to me. I much prefer to be cold than hot. I did some deep breathing and managed to get to my sister’s house, but it really took a toll on me. There is no problem. I didn’t know whether to run outside or get myself to the hospital or what! Most people just don’t understand and think you are being dramatic, delusional or psychosomatic. It has helped some, but I still feel a much higher sensitivity to the dry heat than I ever have before. The plane was noticeably hot and stuffy right when I got stepped aboard (despite being only 60 degrees F / 15 C outside). I felt like trapped in a borewell [then I felt how Sujith was suffered (boy who was fell in borewell)]. Hi Yvette, thank you for sharing your story. What happens to me is that as soon as I fall asleep with the a/c of course. Thought this was S.A.D. I’m reading this article while on a plane because I feel EXACTLY what you have described. I felt terror for the first time in my life – I couldn’t eat or drink, my bowels would just liquefy, I couldn’t be alone or turn off the lights. First and foremost, i think your age is somewhat below the margin that makes you an adult. It gets really annoying, though, because it’s hard to work outside when I start feeling claustrophobic. Open and wind blowing gives me anxiety. I found this website after researching Isaac Asimov, who was a known claustrophile. Hi Tracy, thanks for the comment. I have fans in my office, the classrooms I teach in, and I too have a couple portable fans that I use when the spaces I’m in are uncomfortable, including church. I frightened my husband and myself because this was the first time that I “couldn’t get out of my own head.” What I thought were panic attacks in the past were more like anxiety attacks. It makes so much sense that it’s a form of claustrophobia! I’ve always had issues with some level of anxiety and/or depression, but I’ve quit taking Adderall recently because it seemed to be causing unpredictable mood swings and more of these anxiety episodes at night. 3 occasions on holiday i have actually passed out. The only way I can access fresh air, is to get in the elevator and go down to the casino and find an exit. Hi Kellie, have you asked a doctor about the fainting? Then I got up and walked home (I was about an hour away but I wasn’t about to get on another bus). Still air is the worst- I think that’s why I have to walk, because it creates the illusion of air movement around me. I also relate to your repetitive noise issue. I shop on the web as much as I can because I cannot bare the intense, stuck hot air in most stores. No clue where it came from or how it started. I first noticed it in my thirties, and it gets worse with age. I have same problem. Closed room does not permit fresh air to come in and therefore due to non availability of fresh air to breath, person might feel suffocated. Well last month my fan died and I immediately panicked and freaked out bad. I agree . By taking baby steps I conquered that claustrophobic feeling for that one instance. Yes! Extreme heat, especially when the air is still, sends me into a sense of panic. Thank you…! Worse is! Addiction depends on your genetics, how often you take the pill, and other factors. Sometimes I even need to go outside and walk back and forth, Needless to say, this is very inconvenient when it’s cold outside, because I will be freezing and exhausted, but still feel like I can’t get oxygen, and all I want to do is get back under the warm covers and go to sleep. Please DO NOT get xanax! Speak to a doctor to decide what is right for you! I hope this will help some of you cause It is a very SCARY helpless feeling that I wouldnt wish on any1. … I had to sit there until takeoff and finally they moved only me, not my husband and I was quite ill by then. My boss tells me it is what it is and I cant get him to understand its not that simple for some. I usually try not to sleep at all while flying, don’t use toiletries. When my husband and I cuddle and he pulls his side of the blanket up, if it gets too high and covers my face, I have maybe two breaths before panic sets in. . I too have been struggling with similar problems for about 3 years. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Because when I start to feel stifled, the *anticipation* of the feeling is what freaks me out. A-1, Acharya Nikatan, Mayur Vihar, Phase-1, Central Market, New Delhi-110091 Do you know what is an unsafe inside temp in thee winter? I hope you are able to find some solutions to feel better. Congratulations on the baby and I feel u! I will try some breathing exercises to maximize the amount of air intake. I dealt with this by having a fan going 24/7. No. One of the things that have been bothering me lately is sex with my wife. But when i know someone lock it from outside, i can not breath. I had most likely the same thing with you too! Water to wet a towel or a fan. Anytime I am sick (like nauseous–I had food poisoning about a month ago) I had to have air movement. I had to move my chair to another door and open it about 1/2 an inch to feel better. It was a simple request. It literally makes me feel trapped which is the worst thing I could feel EVER! I feel fine at first but after 5-10 minutes in the shower I start to get hot and feel like I can’t breathe and I need to get out of the hot room immediately. Your email address will not be published. When the class was over, I hauled down to my own classroom, and for the first 5-10 minutes of my own class, I was standing in the doorway in my room that goes outside. I have also tried to explain to my girlfriend on many occasions, even in the dead of winter, if I can’t feel fresh air flowing on my, I sort of get panic attacks. I stood back in the galley and turned the air vent on full. Example sentences with "feel suffocated", translation memory. I also experienced the same, and thought for a long time I’ve been alone with this kind of problem. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Hi Kelly, Thank you for sharing. I always say when the air is super humid and no wind I feel like the air is thick and can’t breathe. And today was kinda scary because I started to get the same feelings as I did before. So this was all new feelings. If you have life-affecting issues with confined spaces, please consider speaking to a therapist who can help you work through it. It’s strange how certain things make me feel like I can’t breathe at all. She helped me get past the remaining passengers that weren’t seated, helped me get my luggage out of the overhead bin, and helped me off the plane. Have you ever figured it out?? I dont feel claustrophobic I just feel like I cant breath when it gets too hot and stuffy in a room. I’ve resolved it and also have the tools to ward off panic should it come knocking again. It’s the worst feeling. Your post I can relate to. Oh my goodness this is me. If air is not moving and hot feel like I am being buried alive. Add your answer and earn points. And if not, in life everyone comes through a stage like almost everyone, struggling to get rid of their family. I sleep with a ceiling fan, an isolating fan, and it has to be around 65*F for me to sleep. I have my internship at Kentucky, USA for a year and had to go back home, I dont go out very much to do important stuff but when I get in to a multicab (i dont know if its still considered as jeepneys) open windows, i seated near its machine which feels so hot! I have always have had the feeling of panic when I dont feel air moving but this year has been worse than ever I hope it doesnt continue worsing… have any of you found a way to control this? A new type of mask made for people like us? I sometimes speculate that it may have something to do with how the house was built, with all its dependence on unnatural materials like the blown-in insulation in the attic, which simply lies there uncontained. It may be that this is something that I will always have to work on (like AA) to stay anxiety free. I am 33 and just learning this is a thing!!! Then, now I feel fear to drive by myself (no passengers) on highway because how it tends to be jammed and I will feel running out of breath. Hi Stan, thanks for your comment. I picked up a couple of pounds over the past few months, and I attributed the fact that I’m basically always feeling hot to my weight gain. All I could think about was the hot air, the middle seat with no clear access to the aisle, and I would be there for the next 5 hours. My immediate reaction is to jump up and get to an open window, and I have to pace around. When I was younger, my parents got divorced and my grandparents had to drive me to their house after they picked me up from school one day, and it was the beginning of spring, and I was in the car for about ten minutes and I started sweating and breathing really heavily. If you notice something on your lip that feels scaly, looks like a burn, or turns white, you should see a doctor. I’ve tried to find out more about it but haven’t had much luck. Aeroplanes are the worst for me. Cotton is always better, and fleece is Ok when it’s not tight. I must admit, there are times I laugh out loud at the perceived ‘ridiculousness’ of it all (I am not minimising the impact this has on me/others – it just seems ironic) – it seems my life’s work has come back for revenge! Hi Wendy! I had to get an MRI (my very first) and the dr asked if I needed a prescription for claustrophobia. But when thinking about lying in a little tube, a great fear came over me by surprise so I accepted the prescription. And add the “trapped” feeling of being in a hospital…I can’t imagine!! 5) Did you have any relevant disease as a kid? I’ve thought that my problem was a “power” thing. Seems worst then on an empty stomach for another odd reason. But, hey, that’s me. While it’s generally the result of standing, manyof us frel that no moving air despite our position is enough to trigger tachycardia and a subsequent sympathetic nervous system response resulting in panic and anxiety. I always tell my wife I can’t breathe I need to go home. I hate being hot. Rising temperatures can cause stress to the body using more cortisol. I literally have never had words to describe how this felt and now, thanks to you, I do! I like this line: “…the loss of control I felt during that trauma was sparking me to have each of those panic attacks”. Because you on groudnd trnaport you have an option of leaving the veficle but where would you go while in a flight ? Hopefully it will help! I’m starting to feel really scared, like this is something I’m gonna have to deal with for the rest of my life and that would be devastating for me. Favourite answer. i thought, i was the only one having these problems, not anymore. On a side note in another training day (and no its the training) i was fine for 3 days in there until the lecuturer locked the door as random people kept coming in. It’s just a constant mental battle. When I work outside in the garden, if I push myself to finish what I’m doing I get red faced and cant breathe. You are not alone. The room was so stuffy and all I could think about was wanting to swing open a door to get fresh air….except I was far removed from getting fresh air. I couldn’t take one more second in that bus. I have lung cancer and asthma Has anyone else got to the point that they have passed out or feel faint?. when i see the cabin crew i tell them i cant breathe. The terror that I felt with this was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Rarely wear sweaters even in cold climate or during winter in the snow. it feels so hot too, then whats the point? Air conditioner simply cools the air inside the room, there is no intake from outside, so over a period of time the oxygen in the room should decrease and people should start to suffocate. I constantly need air movement. I have the same problem, having the issue right now.. it’s so stuffy, i’m feeling a great deal of panic, my chest is tight and my air is restricted. When the heat is turned on it gets much worse and I feel almost as if I am drowning/choking. Hi Katie, I think you should see another counselor! If I feel the air moving, I am fine. worst case for me is i get it before i try to sleep, and it’s almost like i stop breathing for a second, then come up for air quickly, scares the cr@p out of me. 3. What situations have given you this feeling? I’m glad at least we got a chuckle out of it but I was about to go into a full panic attack, it was very scary for me. I almost always change my clothes after coming in as well, especially if I was wearing work clothes. Everyone knew I said if I go with them I get to ride in the front seat, they all said ok a few weeks, but this time they took alot of pride in being idiots and making me suffer. Although I’ve never wet my sheets I can completely empathize with you! I’m definitely more healthy and have lost some of my insulation, but the problem persists. Didn’t fall down completely (thank god). I can’t stand it anymore. Does it ever go away? To speakout? Ugh, even reading your description makes me feel it again–buried alive. That’s when the panic sets in. I was out shopping with my girls and as we got in the car driving to the 1st stop light I thought I was going to pass out. Got the problem with the car figured out, but really hated my reaction. I feel trapped, anxious about being unable to ‘escape’ and fearful of having a full-blown panic attack (thankfully not happened – yet). In the winter on cooler nights in North Florida we will not use the heat at all and the room will get down to around 62.That is about my wife’s toleration point. I plan on talking to my doctor as well for some medical input. The heat does terrible things to me. I haven’t had full-on panic from feeling trapped yet, but just thinking about it makes me feel like I can’t breathe a little!! That’s all I could think about. Thanks for sharing. I grabbed my car manual and tried the doors, they opened, thank God. I carry a paper hand fan with me always because I can’t breathe. This might seem like a silly question, but does a fan help at night? I live in my mind- sometimes I truly take a glance outside and it looks pretty good. And then I started to push my head up against the glass doors (obviously to get out but also the cold glass was a relief). My co-workers are informed of my situation so if they see me getting anxious will get me outside into open air quickly (usually sending me home for the rest of the day). Now every time i travel I’m scared to ride in the plane. You feel like you just cannot bear it. She said she always travelled with one. I’ve been on the new treatment for about a month and have been told take it may take up to 3 months before I see full results. They can be an amazing help to figure things out and see different perspectives! I’m glad that I ran up on this page I thought that I was crazy and the only one going through this. Please help. Last night it was 87 degrees inside at 11 pm so I actually slept outside since it was cooler and had moving air. The panic just rising inside you, getting bigger and bigger until you burst–KEYS! I’ve had a few times since then, not as bad, but I have to talk myself into believing I was OK. I get feelings of panic if I am not close to water too. I wash with fragrance-free (not unscented, there is a big difference) “hunting” soap and my clothes with “hunter’s” detergent. Went thru a whole winter feeling pretty normal. I have slot of these similar problems. What makes it worse is my desire not to freak out and look like a fool or make others feel uncomfortable. Plan what you will do to help yourself ahead of time. Sorry! I must be able to get out. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one!! I went to Google to ask what does it mean when you are in a dark place, can’t see anything and start to feel like you can’t breath and you dtdrt getting light headed and it took me to this… I also feel the way you do when I’m so hot. I take hot showers and if it’s in the morning a few years ago I noticed I would get really light headed and or naucious. I hope at least this was some help for why this happens. I usually feel better once the plane takes off and the air starts coming through the vents. And this time of year, early to mid June, is the worst cause it’s just getting started and I know it’s gonna be several months till it ends. – Whether the bus staffs limiting the AC for saving the cost? Hopefully this is helpful!! At work and driving on the road. I use public transport multiple times every day, and – until very recently – seen it as nothing more than a chore. But until then… Does anyone know what helps??? These are HOT, always so hot. Really i’m scared to ride a plane. Air-conditioning works for a second but I want fresh cool air, not trapped air conditioned spaces. I feel like I can’t breathe and I get agitated. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Never seems to pose a problem when I’m outside and it’s hot though, only in. Even “open air” machines. Thank you for sharing insight to this!! The hot, humid days are what makes me panic because i feel like im suffocating. Does anyone else experienced this? BTW, the garage doesn’t have anything fragranced, so I’m sure it’s related to the mouse residue and dust (and maybe the closed containers of chemicals, but doubtful since most of them are sealed). It happens sometimes on an elevator, but the ride is so short, that I can usually get through it. I really felt like death. Thanks for sharing about the fan!! And I almost never take elevators. 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