translation and definition "flipper", English-Tagalog Dictionary online. With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for flipper [turner] [cooking utensil] and thousands of other words. 3. Definitions by … n. 1. The flipper is the name of a particular bowling delivery used in cricket, generally by a leg spin bowler. Definition of flipper noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals; Sarah Labensky, et al. Spatula, turner, flipper, and scraper are kitchen utensils used in food preparation and cooking. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. as in irreverent. Dort lebt der Witwer mit seinen beiden Söhnen, dem 15-jährigen Sandy und dem zehnjährigen Bud. Bakers use flexible rubber or silicon spatulas to coax batters and doughs from their bowls, or stiffer versions as a mixing implement similar to a wooden spoon. Cake decorators' spatulas are often referred to as palette knives, because they resemble a larger version of that painter's tool and they're used similarly when applying frosting. flipper [coll.] as in pert. flipper synonyms, flipper pronunciation, flipper translation, English dictionary definition of flipper. As with other specialized skills, cooking possesses its own vocabulary, and its own set of handy tools and utensils. You can complete the translation of flipper [turner] [cooking utensil] given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... German-English dictionary : translate German words into English with online dictionaries. See also: Flippers Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. It has a broad flat blade, which makes an easy turning. A Web Experience brought to you by LEAFtv. Families Phocidae (the true seals) and Otariidae (the eared seals, including the fur seals and sea lions). Find more ways to say flipper, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. January 8, 2021 Uncategorized No Comments Uncategorized No Comments (see also hole digger.) Video shows what flipper means. [a false tooth, or partial denture] Zahnersatz {m} [künstlicher Zahn od. Alternate name for a swimfin, footwear that boosts human swimming efficiency. What Can I Substitute for Cannoli Metal Tubes? A spatula is one of the most common cooking tools. Definition of flipper in the Idioms Dictionary. Bakers use flexible rubber or silicon spatulas to coax batters and doughs from their bowls, or stiffer versions as a mixing implement similar to a wooden spoon. Porter Ricks arbeitet als Chief Ranger des Coral Key Parks an der Küste Floridas. 1 A fish-eating aquatic mammal with a streamlined body and feet developed as flippers, that returns to land to breed or rest. Flipper rettet jede Situation, sodass alle Folgen mit einem Happy End schließen. Another word for flipper. Spatulas may be made of rubber, silicone or metal and come in a variety of sizes. Flipper (anatomy), a forelimb of an aquatic animal, useful for steering and/or propulsion in water. Also Pancake Flipper or Burger Flipper is frequently used to refer to the person doing the flipping - that is a short-order cook …) Rubber (or silicone) spatulas with handles are also called scrapers. [turner] [cooking utensil] Pfannenwender {m}gastr. A spatula is a somewhat flexible, slightly tapered, flat-sided cooking utensil with a handle that is used to spread food products across a surface. Define flipper. flipper - Meaning in Latin, what is meaning of common in Latin dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of common in Latin and English. flipper baby [sl.] $1.20 coupon applied at checkout Save $1.20 with coupon. Type: verb, noun; Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; TagalogTraverse. This video is unavailable. A spatula in cooking is a flat object often made of rubber or metal meant to spread, mix or lift food. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. as in precocious. flippers phrase. See more. Translation German - English Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary German-English, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All German-English translations from our dictionary. 4. Die Serie handelt von drohenden Gefahren, beispielsweise Menschen in Seenot und Verbrecherjagd. SEE DEFINITION OF flipper. 1 a : a broad flat limb (as of a seal or cetacean) adapted for swimming. In essence it is a back spin ball. He was educated at Memorial University of Newfoundland and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. See more. It may also be used to scrape bowls or mix batters. (Flipper sounds more like a colloquialism for turner to me. flipper noun [C] (SHOE) (US also fin) a type of large, flat rubber shoe used for swimming, especially underwater. The word spatula comes down to us from the Greek "spathe," a sword-shaped wooden tool used by weavers. The latter have external ear flaps and are able to sit upright, and the males are much larger than the females as in mercurial. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The flipper is comparable to a riseball in fast-pitch softball. kleine Teilprothese]dent. This can be frustrating for novices, especially when a single term is used to refer to multiple utensils. The broad flat blade facilities easy turning of the food. Spatulas are used in... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Flipper definition is - a broad flat limb (as of a seal or cetacean) adapted for swimming. You can also use them to scrape pans with. It consists of a long handle which helps you when you are cooking in a frying pan. palikpik [ palikpík ] Part of the secret lies in the bumps on its flippers. as in insolent. (1) Sure, people noticed the flipper attached to the prosthesis on his left leg. $7.99 $ 7. It's a simple tool that is basically a flat, usually squarish piece of plastic or metal, on the end of a straight handle. SMART Vocabulary: related … His work has appeared online on major sites including, and the websites of the Houston Chronicle and San Francisco Chronicle; and offline in Canada's Foodservice & Hospitality magazine and his local daily newspaper. ‘The flippers are broad, and the tail has a folded ridge on its dorsal surface.’ ‘The short broad flippers have rounded tips and are about 1.5 m long.’ ‘Sea turtles have paddle-shaped flippers that help them move through the water, one pair of lungs and a body temperature that fluctuates with the environment.’ A prime example is the word spatula, which is applied to a number of different implements. Flip definition is - to toss so as to cause to turn over in the air; also : toss. 4.7 out of 5 stars 5,352. What does flipper expression mean? What does flipper expression mean? They … Definition of flipper in the Idioms Dictionary. flipper. A spatula in cooking is a flat object often made of rubber or metal meant to spread, mix or lift food.. A flipper or turner are flat objects usually made of metal or plastic designed to slide under a piece of food in a pan or on a grill. Showing page 1. fa مجلّهٔ نچرال هیستوری توضیح میدهد که این برجستگیها باعث میشود که آب به صورت چرخشی و یکنواخت روی بالهها حرکت کند و این امر حتی زمانی که نهنگ با زاویهای تند به طرف بالا حرکت میکند نیز صدق میکند.10 Learn more. flip. In recent centuries, that term has been extended to many flat implements, including the rubber spatula you use to scrape a mixing bowl, the flippers and turners you employ with your eggs or pancakes, and even the flat, flexible metal utensil used by cake decorators. Definition of flippers in the Idioms Dictionary. Kitchen & Cooking Flipper Kitchen And Cooking Kitchen & Cooking Flipper CLP-920W Measuring, terms, fat free, substitutions, food storage, etc. What does flipper mean in English? What does flipper expression mean? Cake decorators' spatulas are often referred to as palette knives, because they resemble a … Spatula definition: A spatula is an object like a knife with a wide , flat blade. With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for flipper [turner] [cooking utensil] and thousands of other words. All rights reserved. flipper [Am.] Found 47 sentences matching phrase "flipper".Found in 3 ms. See fin1. Although all of these implements are properly called spatulas, you can differentiate between them based on use. (2) Gaspard's also boasts an original pre-impressionist juke box, complete with scratchy Sartrean torch songs by Greco and Piaf, and a pinball machine whose left flipper has been bust since Stevenson's day. Some of the people call it pancake turner or burger flipper. To eliminate confusion, many cooks opt to use alternative terms such as "flipper" or "turner" to describe specific types of spatula. Fred Decker is a trained chef, former restaurateur and prolific freelance writer, with a special interest in all things related to food and nutrition. How to use flip in a sentence. Occasionally they are also used for serving with. Dec 31, 2016 - Easily Turn, Flip, Grab or Move Your Food Without Leaving Any Marks or Losing Juices - Comfortable Handle Forms Snugly In Your Palm For Superior Grip Long Barbecue Turner: Perfect On The Grill For Flipping Ribs, Steaks, Chicken, Hot Dogs, Burgers and Other Meats & Veggies Short Pigtail Flipper: Amazing In The Kitch A flipper or turner are flat objects usually made of metal or plastic designed to slide under a piece of food in a pan or on a grill. Find out about these and know a few essential things to guide you on your next purchase of this helpful cooking … Flip definition, to toss or put in motion with a sudden impulse, as with a snap of a finger and thumb, especially so as to cause to turn over in the air: to flip a coin. Flipper definition, a broad, flat limb, as of a seal or whale, especially adapted for swimming. See more. Flippers are a tool used for flipping food over in a frying pan, on a griddle or on a girdle. flipper phrase. in marine mammals such as whales, a wide flat limb, adapted for swimming. Nerthuz/iStock/GettyImagesPlus/GettyImages. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Get it as soon as Wed, Jan 6. flipper definition: 1. one of two parts like arms on the bodies of some sea creatures, such as seals and penguins, used…. flipper [pivoted bat in a pinball machine] Flipper {m} [Flipperhebel im Flipperautomaten]games dental flipper [coll.] FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Flipper in Urdu is مچھلی کا چوڑا پر, and in … flipper phrase. What does flippers expression mean? flipper . ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. flipper translation in English-Persian dictionary. It is considered to be a delicacy in Outer Mongolia, it is hot to trot Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Flipper' auf Duden online nachschlagen. A spatula in cooking is a flat object often made of rubber or metal meant to spread, mix or lift food. Flipper Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Flipper in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. Freund der Familie ist Flipper, der Delfin. flipper translation in English-Tagalog dictionary. One that flips: a flipper of hamburgers 2. Flippers and turners -- called "grill spatulas" in commercial kitchens -- are broad, to turn foods without breaking them, and made of heatproof materials. Watch Queue Queue Such turner is made of silicone or rubber. A wide flat limb, as of a seal, whale, or other aquatic mammal, adapted for swimming. Flipper - Idioms by The Free Dictionary ... n. a lowly hamburger cook in a fast-food restaurant. Flipper definition, a broad, flat limb, as of a seal or whale, especially adapted for swimming. They share things in common and at the same time each type has specific usage it is good at. Amazon's Choice for cooking flipper. as in jaunty. It also goes by the names of tosser, turner and flipper and even fish slice. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. (Flipper sounds more like a colloquialism for turner to me. flipper [turner] [cooking utensil] translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'flippern',Flip',Flipperautomat',flippig', examples, definition, conjugation The broad flat blade facilities easy turning of the food. The Romans appropriated the term for their sword, the "spatha," and used "spathula" -- its diminutive -- for smaller, sword-shaped tools. Wulstfahne {f}tech. As these names suggest, the tool is basically used for flipping food, usually in a frying pan. flip1 /flɪp/ verb (flipped, flipping) 1 move [ intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to move something with a quick sudden movement so that it is in a different position He flipped the top off the … Flipper (pinball), a part of a pinball machine used to strike the ball. in marine mammals such as whales, a wide flat limb, adapted for swimming. Magnets on back for … How to Make a Waffle Cone Without a Waffle Iron. Ang isang dahilan ay ang mga uka sa kaniyang palikpik. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Definition of flipper. Rachael Ray Kitchen Tools and Gadgets Nylon Cooking Utensils/Spatula/Fish Turners, 2 Piece, Orange. 99. Flipper definition: Flippers are flat pieces of rubber that you can wear on your feet to help you swim more... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples flapper meaning in english. 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