The area situated between 500 and 1000 mm/year presents a subhumid climate, and the climate is humid when it exceeds 1000 mm. The suitable and very suitable areas for argan largely coexist with the Argentine olive tree cultivation region. This index represents the average of the maximum temperatures from June to August, over the 30-year period considered. Take care not to damage their delicate taproot when planting. It has small and oblong leaves that occur in clusters, small flowers that are yellow green in colour, and fruits that are hard and green. Age Defying Apricot Probiotic Cleansing Milk. To prevent lethal effects, the annual mean minimum temperature (that represents the long-term average daily minimum air temperature observed during a calendar month and over the year) cannot be lower than −5°C [18]. (TRT World and Agencies) These trees do not really even mind if … Efforts are being made to introduce and evaluate the potential of argan tree (Argania spinosa L.) a native of Morocco, for greenery applications under Kuwait’s environmental conditions. The “argan” ingredient is actually oil that comes from an argan tree. The highest boundary for argan tree is close to the 3.8°C isotherm, which corresponds to the lower limit for snow [2]. For example, it mentions a preserved specimen in Arizona, USA, at 34.5°N/111°W; in Spain at 37.5°N/9°W, 38.21°N/10.25°W, and 40.5°N 3°W; in United Kingdom at 52.5°N/3°W; in Kenya at 1.5°N/39°E; and in Morocco at 31.5°N/9°W and 31.5°N/3°W. Climatic characteristics of area of origin of the argan tree (elaborated by the authors based on [. They are thorny, with gnarled trunks and wide spreading crown. Basic data in determining this similarity were the amount of annual rainfall, the annual temperature, the annual minimum temperature, the winter maximum temperature, the minimum temperature of the coldest month, the mean annual minimum temperature, and the annual maximum temperature. As can be observed in Figure 9, there is no optimal agroclimatic area for argan cultivation because, in the optimal zone, the minimum temperature of the coldest month is never below 7°C [25]. This composition is particularly adept for nutritional, cosmetic, and medicinal uses. The altitudinal range of the argan tree extends from sea level up to 1,300–1,500 m. The annual rainfall varies from 250 mm in Safi to 400 mm in Agadir. A suitable area with constraints under dry-subhumid regime is present in the center of the provinces of Catamarca and Salta. Argan oil was used in Berber folk medicine for centuries to treat skin conditions, rheumatism, and heart disease. There is a marginal area in the north due to the high winter temperatures. Grow argan from seed planted in 3-inch plastic pots. The argan is a species that can be cultivated in drylands in regions where annual rainfalls are in the 200–300 mm range, with a minimum of 100 mm and a maximum of 400 mm [13]. Notwithstanding, this is pioneering work because the agroclimatic zoning for the argan tree in Argentina has never been done before. In the 100 to 200 mm and 300 to 400 mm interval, the area is suitable and, from 200 to 300 mm, optimal. Age Defying. The GBIF [27] cites only 34 occurrences with georeferenced data. The great inflection towards the south in the province of La Pampa, due to the continentality factor, is noteworthy. Argan trees and shrubs that are deprived associated with water will get in to a dormancy condition plus won’t bear any fresh fruits. In 1999, Unesco added the argan tree to the World Heritage list. The tree has several mechanisms that restrain water loss: it reaches the deepest layers of soil during dry season, it can close its stomata during the day, and it has water reservoirs in its trunk and branches [10]. These were obtained by interpolating the data collected in the 125 meteorological stations across the country (National Meteorological Service). C. Orwa, A. Mutua, R. Kindt, R. Jamnadass, and S. Anthony, “Agroforestree Database: a tree reference and selection guide version 4.0,” 28 December 2015, Z. Charrouf and D. Guillaume, “Argan oil: occurrence, composition and impact on human health,”. Argentina’s winter lasts from June to August. Afterwards, these were processed by the Geographic Information System (GIS) tool of the Arc-GIS 9.3 program. Argan oil is rich in vitamin E and it has been reported to lower cholesterol levels, stimulate blood circulation, facilitate digestion, and strengthen the body’s natural defenses [6]. Keywords: soil erosion; argan; South Morocco; soil degradation; tree; intertree 1. The women who are doing this work, call for a better salary and fair living and working conditions." Put water unto the soil mixture, sufficient to make the soil moist. We look forward to using only our own fruit to make our oil some day. Basic data in determining this similarity were the amount of annual rainfall, the annual temperature, the annual minimum temperature, the winter maximum temperature, the minimum temperature of the coldest month, the mean annual minimum temperature, and the annual maximum temperature. The average maximum winter temperature ranges from 17.5°C to 22°C [21]. There is a famous study from NASA that found many species of plants can help clean the air in your home. It adapts well to hostile environments, and it can even be irrigated with salt-rich water [29]. Currently, the argan tree is found in an intramontane area with very low average rainfall. Edible argan oil has several sterols that are uncommon in other edible vegetable oils, such as scotenol (48%), which has antitumoral and anticancer properties, and spinasterol (42%), a compound that reduces intestinal cholesterol absorption. According to [21], the winter mean maximum temperature should be higher than 17.5°C. In the mountains and inside the continent, the thermal amplitude reaches higher values and the minimum temperatures of the coldest month fluctuate from 3°C to 7°C. Monthly average temperatures are 40°C in summer and 3°C in winter; but they can drop to −5°C. An optimal area can be identified to the west of the country and another one in the Patagonian region. The extreme eastern limit of the country is located at 53°38′W, in the town of Bernardo de Irigoyen (province of Misiones). Materials and fuels . For this reason, two extreme climatic areas were chosen to describe the “argan bioclimate.”. A very suitable area was described, which covers a large portion of the province of La Rioja and a small part of Catamarca. Edible argan oil is obtained from lightly toasted kernels, and it is becoming increasingly popular in gastronomy due to its exotic aroma and fruit-like flavor, reminiscent of a mixture of nuts, hazelnuts, and sesame seeds. Eight classes of agroclimatic suitability under dry-subhumid, semiarid, and arid climatic conditions were delineated. Very suitable, suitable, and marginal areas for this species were delimitated. The oil is also used for illumination and soap. To achieve this, both the thermal and the moisture regime, which are fundamental climatic characteristics that affect the development of this crop, must be considered. Nerd, “New Crops as a Possible Solution to the Troubled Israeli Export Market,” in, Z. Bouzoubaâ and A. El Mousadik, “Temperature drought and salt effect on Arganiaspinosa (L.) Skeels seed germination,”, A. Zahidi and F. Bani-Aameur, “Germination des amandes d'arganier (Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels): effet du génotype, de la date de semis et de l'année de récolte,”, M. Zunzunegui, F. Ain-Lhout, J. Jáuregui et al., “Fruit production under different environmental and management conditions of argan, Argania spinosa (L.),”, Z. Bouzoubaâ and A. El Mousadik, “Effet de la température, du déficit hydrique et de la salinité sur la germination de l'Arganier, Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels,”, S. M. El Yousfi and F. Benchekroun, “La dégradation forestière dans le sud marocain, exemple de l'arganeraie d'Admine (Souss) entre,”. It later diverts to the north because of the altitudinal effect imposed by the Andes Mountains. sous bioclimat aride à forte influence océanique (plaine du Souss, Maroc),”, Z. Charrouf and D. Guillaume, “Argan Oil,”, Y. le Polain de Waroux and E. F. Lambin, “Monitoring degradation in arid and semi-arid forests and woodlands: The case of the argan woodlands (Morocco),”. Argan oil presents an exceptional percentage of essential fatty acids, one of which is linoleic acid (omega 6, the most essential of all) ensuring the functions of repair and defence of the skin. After the oil is extracted, the residue from the kernels constitutes a thick chocolate-colored paste called “amlou,” with a flavor similar to that of peanut butter. The argan tree life span frequently exceeds 200 years. These isolated populations are considered relicts of a wider distribution in the past [5]. The 10.0°C isotherm diverts to the south influenced by the oceanity factor, which is conspicuous in the province of Buenos Aires. Climatic interpolations were made using the “Interpolate to Raster” tool, within the “3D Analyst” extension of the GIS of the same program, following the Ordinary Kriging interpolation method. $14.99 Age Defying Avo Cocoa Skin … For now, we have found an excellent farmer who supplies us with our Argan fruit. The wood is hard, heavy, and durable, and it results in good charcoal and firewood. Macadamia nut trees can begin bearing in 6 to 7 years, so it is important … It can also be found in certain parts of the Spanish Levante in Alicante. In Spain, there are specimens in Alicante, Murcia, Gran Canaria (Canary Islands), and Barcelona (38,06°N/1,17°W, 38,42°N/0,42°W, 27,10°N/15,10°W, 38,41°N/0,42°W, 38,33°N/0,54°W, 38,51°N/0,53°W, 38,41°N/0,42°W, 41,10°N/2,10°E, and 41,36N°/2,16°E). By creating an account you agree to the Hunker, Purdue University Extension: New Crops as a Possible Solution for the Troubled Israeli Export Market, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Argania Spinosa. Although Argentine territory extends towards the Tropic of Capricorn (23°27′S), it lacks tropical climates. The argan tree (argania spinosa) is found exclusively in Morocco, particularly the south-western region. Did you know? CannaCell® Sensitive 1000 Roses® Quenching. The color is darker and the odor stronger than argan cosmetic oil because of the previous toasting of the kernels. The country borders to the north with Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay; to the south with Chile and the Atlantic Ocean; to the east with Brazil, Uruguay, and the Atlantic Ocean; and to the west with Chile (Figure 1). Down Icon Down. O. M’Hirit, M. Benzyane, F. Benchekroun, S. M. El Yousfi, and M. Bendaanoun, D. Rivera and J. Another index is the annual mean maximum temperature, which should surpass 23.0°C to ensure an appropriate thermal regime during the growing period [14]. For this reason, the Moroccan government seeks to obtain a Geographical Indication (GI) on argan oil [8]. These trees are warm region plants only, but growing macadamia nuts in southern California and other areas with tropical climates is possible. The agroclimatic zoning map was obtained by superimposing the maps related to moisture and thermal regimes. Shop the range. argan trees influence the soil underneath significantly, while the soil in intertree areas is less protected and more degraded. These researchers maintain that argan tree is one of the few surviving relict-breed species of the Tertiary Period, which spanned from 65 million to 1.8 million years ago. In fact, it’s a specialized plant that’s only native to one area. According to [7], the oil of this species was first reported in the thirteenth century by the botanist, scientist, pharmacist, and physician Ibn al-Baitar. As a result, fruit production extends over a long period and fruits can be found in different ripening phases from April to September [3] in the north hemisphere. Climatological characteristics of its region of origin were considered to evaluate the requirements and biometeorological conditions. The agroclimatic suitability map presented is indicative because climate data spanning 30 years was used rather than data for a specific year. There are no optimal zones for the argan tree in Argentina. Figure 5 presents the areas where the annual mean minimum temperature is above 10°C. It usually grows up to 10 m high with a trunk diameter of up to 100cm. This plant doesn’t grow on every corner of your neighborhood. Figure 6 shows the winter mean maximum temperature. Nonsuitable areas, whose minimum temperature of coldest month is lower than 3.8°C, cover the west, the center, and the Patagonian sector. The argan tree does not exist in Argentina and, consequently, there are no commercial plantations that can be used to compare the agroclimatic zones delineated in this paper. The suitable areas are those where the average minimum temperature is above −5°C. Most crops commonly show recognizable differences in many of their properties within their area of distribution. Avoid very sandy soil soil and waterlogged ground. I have only a few seeds left. Recently, strict conservation measures have been implemented to prevent its disappearance [13]. Argan trees in nature receive up to 39 inches of rain per year. Soak argan seeds in water for four days before planting. A GI would mean that only the argan oil prepared from seeds collected in Morocco, with the appropriate rules of production, could be sold as such under that name [7]. Some isolated populations can be found northeast of Morocco, 400 to 700 km away from the main ones: in Berkane in the northern slope of the mountain Beni-Snassen, close to the Mediterranean coast (800 ha), and in the Bou-Dreg plains (Kariat Arakmane), in the eastern Rif of the high valleys of Oued Grou, close to Rabat (50 ha) [2]. Plant the seedlings in a mixture containing three parts soil to one part peat moss and one part humus. It grows wild in semi-desert soil and is extremely well adapted to drought and other environmentally harsh conditions. This agrees with the agroclimatic zoning map presented in this paper, since the suitable area reaches the north of San Luis province (approximately 33°S). To create the maps, a series of previously interpolated bioclimatic variables were used. Argan trees that are deprived of water will get into a dormancy condition and won’t bear any fruits. The way to grow an Argan tree * Plant the seeds inside plastic pots Prepare a 3 inch-sized plastic pot for every single Argan seed that you desire to plant. The tree flourishes in areas where annual mean temperatures fluctuate between 18 and 20°C. In 1998, it was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO [11]. Figure 3 presents the annual mean temperature >18°C. Investors, on the other hand, frequently fail because they lack adequate information concerning the risks and uncertainties related to these ventures. The critical period, as far as water is concerned, is between the preflowering and ripening phases, and this usually corresponds to the period with the highest rain scarcity in the original areas. Argan trees grow in poor soil in their native habitat, according to the University of Arizona's Campus Arboretum website, and are not fussy about soil quality. The dry season is inordinately long, resulting in a short growing season. Forward to using only our own fruit to make our oil some day the data collected in period. Identify the requirements, limits, and cattle, but growing macadamia nuts in southern California other. Save the argan tree from the Souss plain to the north map presented is indicative because climate spanning... ( 385 mm ) and concentrated from October to April south-western Morocco periods and desertification to obtain the average. 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