Browse through trends and gather ideas for your own do-it-yourself backsplash. This tile sheet material can be attached to adhesive-friendly kitchen walls, giving you a tile design that is very easy to install even if you have limited DIY experience . Mirrored & Metallic Finish Backsplash Tiles: Pro: Mirrored or metallic finished backsplash tiles reflect light and make your kitchen appear brighter. A backsplash project isn’t something anyone wants to take on every couple of years. By the 1990s, however, homeowners shifted to natural-looking tiles. Backsplash - Lunada Bay Tile - Sumi-e 1 x 4 Mini Brick / Color - Izu Natural Michael Partenio Eat-in kitchen - coastal eat-in kitchen idea in Boston with shaker cabinets, white cabinets, glass tile backsplash, granite countertops, blue backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island For this type of kitchen backsplash ideas, you'll want to know how to cut tile with a grinder for a perfect fit every time. Check out our site to see some of our previous work, then set up your free estimate. Con: Subway tile can be standard and boring. The red hues of the brick blend nicely with the crisp whiteness of the cabinets. The kitchen backsplash tile pattern is unique and eye catching, but does not overwhelm the overall elegance of the kitchen. This idea allows you to constantly add new designs and colors to your kitchen simply by drawing them in! Adding color and freshness into the room, like with the roses, is a great idea. Easy. Con: Not every kitchen has ample wall space available for it to make sense to take backsplash tile to the ceiling. $30. The brown shelves on the left side and the white shelves on the right are a great way to complement the colors in the tile. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Make a feature of it As well as having many practical benefits, splashbacks can also be a striking design feature, with many different styles to choose from. Adding a backlit backsplash to your kitchen creates an ultramodern look that brings light and reflection into the room. Adding chalkboard paint is a great way to enhance your drywall backsplash. The wooden floors are a great way to tie the room together. Photo by Pinterest 3. However, it is also important to keep in mind that you should express your own creative style with your backsplash. The brown and white chevron backsplash tile looks amazing against the white counter tops. The pink and orange floral print is adorable in this kitchen, but you can even have your own personal pictures printed on the glass if you prefer. Larger metallic tiles make an easy dramatic statement while smaller tiles can add the same wow factor when selected in interesting patterns. If you want a more elegant and classy look, a simple brick or wood backsplash design might be perfect for you. If you have a very simple or narrow kitchen, adding a vibrant and colorful backsplash can change the entire look of the room. If you’re not decisively committed and confident in your backsplash color selection, another option would be to use painted walls and accent pieces such as vases and wall décor to add color to your kitchen. Here are 5 trending backsplash options for 2020 and pros and cons for each of them. Some kitchens have one, others don’t. This is another example of a printed glass backsplash. The entire kitchen should work visually as a … There is also one very clear negative about ceiling height backsplash tile in a kitchen with abundant wall space. The larger tiles help keep the subway style tiles fresh and trendy. 3 Days. Pro: Taking your backsplash to the ceiling in areas where wall cabinets do not impede, such as near windows, behind open shelving, or behind a decorative range hood can add texture, interest, and modernity to your kitchen. Brick veneer costs much less and gives you more flexibility in style. Yesterday, I covered my timeline for getting the kitchen backsplash covered in subway tile. Although it looks like different patterned tiles make up this fun backsplash, it is actually wall stickers! If no upper cabinets; a minimum of 18 inches of splash should be operating procedure." We are in the process of finishing the inside of our country cabin and I needed a waterproof backsplash but also wanted color. In addition to protecting the walls above a work area, it would complement the countertop as well. Both backsplash and splashback refer to the same thing – a product which is fitted above your worktop to protect your kitchen walls from splashes and spills whilst cooking. The chalkboard paint behind the shelves and on the wall looks adorable in this kitchen, but it can look great as just a backsplash, as well. "Whatever your material choice is for the backsplash, be it slab or tile, take it all the way to the bottom of your upper cabinets. On the adjacent wall; the smaller, traditional onyx tiles in shades of grey and white create a very different look that prevents the backlit tiles from being too overwhelming. Con: Choosing a bold colored backsplash is a huge commitment. This kitchen incorporates several different styles, but they blend together flawlessly. Subway tiles are so popular that they’re the first option for many home remodelers. With so little room, the pattern is lost to the scrap pile at the tile saw. Painting an entire kitchen in key lime green might be overwhelming, while just adding this color as your kitchen backsplash is a fun and creative way to add your own personal style into the room. The kitchen backsplash covers most of the wall with the windows as the cutter. The lighting elevates the different hues of pink and red on these kitchen tiles and brightens the entire kitchen. Featuring wood as a backsplash design is a great way to give your kitchen a rustic look. Printed glass particularly shines in a modern kitchen design and the colors in this room are a nice contrast to the all white counters and cabinets. Well-chosen material for a kitchen backsplash can save the most ordinary interior. The placement of this backsplash makes it look like a beautiful piece of art work hanging in the kitchen. A professional installer will have more experience leveling the tiles on the vertical plane to minimize these imperfections and, where possible, hide variances in the wall itself. This means that cleaning will be easier, and your walls will be protected, lasting longer. Cons: Patterned tiles are a decision that requires being sure you’re still going to love the pattern you’ve chosen 5 years after your kitchen project is complete! Check out our site to see some of our previous work, then set up your free estimate! In this kitchen, the light beautifully reflects off the black counter tops. Adding color and freshness into the room, like with the roses, is a great idea. Here is the best way to apply a backsplash to your kitchen, using both traditional tiles and a peel-and-stick method. A tile backsplash is a great way to change the look and feel of your kitchen. Oranges, pinks, … Backsplash designs that incorporate printed glass are a great way to bring additional fun elements into your kitchen. Onyx is a versatile material that you can use in many ways to make your backsplash stand out. The grey backsplash becomes a focal point of the kitchen and really breaks up the white of the other kitchen features. Tile Bar. Adding texture by way of a 3D tile backsplash is a fantastic way to update any kitchen. It should match the theme of your kitchen, whether that is traditional, modern, or rustic. Wall stickers are an inexpensive way to add style and vibrancy to your kitchen. The white of the cabinets, chairs and table combined with the wooden cabinets and accents are very elegant, but the geometric tiles keep the kitchen from being too bland or simple. Large, bold kitchen backsplash tiles are extremely in style right now. The backsplash is an important part and nothing should be left as an afterthought. And as promised, here are the full DIY details I learned, tools I used, and some handy tips for executing a subway tile backsplash … This is especially true if you’ve selected a large patterned backsplash tile. Set a mood with your kitchen remodel by incorporating certain elements into your backsplash. The height of this backsplash looks great in this setting, although it extends much higher than a typical backsplash design. The vibrancy is a great contrast to the simple counter tops and cabinets. it can extend a few inches high or go as high as the ceiling. 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Pros & Cons of 5 Kitchen Backsplash Options Trending in 2020. When you are using a patterned tile, keep other aspects of the kitchen simple to ensure a subtle elegance. These Unique Backsplash Ideas Are Just What Your Kitchen Needs, 45+ Pretty Kitchen Wall Decor Ideas to Stir Up Your Blank Walls, 33 Super-Sweet Christmas Gifts to Make Any Kitchen Shine, 23 Pantry Door Ideas that are Far from Boring. The smaller space ensures the vibrancy is not too overwhelming, but still adds charm and individuality to the room. Complete the look with a backsplash that covers a portion of a wall or the entire wall between the countertops and kitchen cabinets.The primary function of a backsplash is to protect the walls from splatters and spills. The light teal adds a splash of color that really brightens up the room. Although many people leave this space as-is, the area presents an opportunity for homeowners to express themselves through a variety of textures, colors, and materials. The white cabinets, white counter tops, and the stainless steel appliances are very crisp and pure. Oct 20, 2020 - Memorable kitchen backsplashes. Many companies will customize their kitchen tiles to create the pattern, color, and size you are looking for. The ridges on these tiles create great color variation and make the tile look luxurious. Tyles . A kitchen backsplash typically covers sink and cooking units. In the overall neutral-looking kitchen, you can sense a rich neutral color application. - or just phone 630-200-3945 to schedule! You can either have real brick installed as your kitchen backsplash design or faux brick styles, such as brick veneer. Tile that is still radiating all of those wonderful 'damn, I look GOOD' vibes all over it. A real brick backsplash can be difficult because brick is expensive and laborious to install. The arabesque shape of the tile is a particularly unique kitchen decoration. In a kitchen with modern styling and a cool slab backsplash, it’s extra important for the elements to align pleasingly, or the look can become sloppy. The backsplash matches the wooden flooring of the kitchen as a strong bringer for a warm and homey kitchen atmosphere. It usually ends up hanging in midspace which makes the kitchen look awkward and unfinished. Whether you need a tile design for a small space or a budget-friendly renovation, browse 20 kitchen backsplash ideas. Brick backsplash can really give your kitchen a rustic look that is unique and cozy. Although the backsplash blends right into the counter tops, the dark look of the cabinets balances the look. Get inspired by these fifty designs for your own kitchen makeover. This continued in the 1970s or 1980s with mosaic and decorative tiles. © 2021 - All rights reserved. The easiest kitchen backsplash to install is the peel-and-stick backsplash tile that you can find at most major hardware stores. In the early years, backsplashes were often colorful with fruit and vegetable graphics adorning 4×4 ceramic tiles. Adding style and drama to your kitchen does not end with your countertop and island. If you are going to choose a natural stone backsplash, be aware that it will require some maintenance, as it needs to be sealed every six months to a year. If you are going to be using patterned tile in your home decor, lay it out carefully prior to applying to ensure the finished product looks even and just the way you intended it to. Thru time we have undergone many changes. Location: Backsplashes are found in kitchens and bathrooms, directly behind sinks and usually stretching the entire length of the counter. They came in bright colors and went all around the kitchen reaching all the way up to the bottom of the upper cabinets. This is another inexpensive kitchen remodeling idea because you can easily apply the chalkboard paint yourself. The right backsplash design should be a focal point of your kitchen and really tie the whole room together. A backsplash featuring mosaic tile from Ann Sacks steals the show in a Richard Mishaan-designed kitchen in a TriBeCa building. See more kitchen backsplash ideas. The main purpose of kitchen backsplashes is to provide an easy-to-clean surface so … A tile backsplash will protect your wall from moisture and stains in high-use areas of the home, like behind the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Whichever looks best for the kitchen is the best place to end the backsplash. A metallic stone subway-style tile with a strip of bold, glistening 1 inch mosaic tiles in gold, red, and orange. Choose a bold color or pattern to make your subway tile pop! There are lots of trends in kitchen counters, but one that gets a surprising amount of talk is the backsplash. It contrasts particularly well with the white walls surrounding it, as well as the grey cabinets and stainless steel appliances. Adding a backsplash to your kitchen is a great way to create atmosphere with color and texture. The barstools are by Gabriel Scott and the cabinetry is custom. Continue to 5 of 9 below. It is a great idea to add additional accents of green throughout the kitchen to balance out the color of the tile and ensure that the room comes together. Installing backsplash tiling in your kitchen is also a good DIY project for homeowners looking to get their hands dirty and learn new skills around the house. There are a number of reasons to install a backsplash in your home. This luxurious kitchen has two different materials in the backsplash. When metallic tiles are uneven on a wall, the imperfections become very obvious due to light reflection. This wooden backsplash is perfect for those who are trying to create a rustic chic home design. 4 Materials. It is a smart idea to keep the rest of the kitchen decoration simple, otherwise the room might be too overwhelming. Featuring orange and pink in other aspects of the room is the perfect way to add a color balance. The concept makes the sink basin has no actual backsplash. In this kitchen, the large onyx tiles above the sink are backlit with a one of a kind design that really enhances the look of the kitchen. Where to end kitchen backsplash tile on the side of a kitchen counter carries a major concern for many homeowners. A backsplash is a vertical extension to a counter—typically kitchen or bathroom counter—which protects the wall from unintended splashes of water. A kitchen backsplash is the opportunity to make a style statement. Modern slab backsplashes. If you’ve chosen a larger scale patterned tile, this allows for more surface area for the pattern to develop and be noticed. A view of the above kitchen from just behind the kitchen island, providing a better view of the backsplash behind the stove. Materials, Colors & Style Kitchen Backsplash Ideas. Spiral Cellars Save Photo. Although the chevron tile could work in any color of your choosing, the brown and white creates a very calming effect in this kitchen. If this idea has inspired you to do some kitchen remodeling, you should find ways to lighten the room up and add your own personal style. In addition, they look amazing and can transform the appearance of your entire kitchen. There are so many options when using this material and they are often resistant to stain and easy to clean. 3. Rather than installing in a typical horizontal brick pattern splitting the seams halfway through the tile below, you could opt to split the rows by thirds, install in a herringbone pattern, or completely vertically! This kitchen backsplash tile really spices up this modern look. Pro: Bold colored kitchen backsplashes are featured in all of the top kitchen remodeling magazines for 2020’s biggest trends! In fact, kitchen backsplash trends in interior design is the same subtle nuance as textiles. Budget. Chalkboard paint is currently a popular and trendy home decor item that you can place in any room. Kitchen Backsplash Design. Painting all of the walls black might create a kitchen design that appears too dark and makes the kitchen look smaller, so adding a brighter accent wall might be a good idea. Choose something that makes sense in your house. A gallon of paint will cost far less than a new backsplash should you tire of your color selection. Whether the pattern is in the tile itself or the way the tile is installed, simpler quartz patterns don’t clash with backsplash tiles the way that busier granite can. This one divides the backsplash into two segments. Keep your kitchen from looking like every other kitchen in your neighborhood by choosing a subway tile with some personality. Part of any kitchen of trends in interior design is a smart idea to keep the rest of the backsplash in the kitchen! Add style and drama to your kitchen, the dark look of the tiles blends beautifully the. 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