Give reasons to justify your answer. They built settlements near the crop lands, cultivated fields, made weapons and stone tools and pottery. Mehrgarh: Mehrgarh in Pakistan is the earliest known site of farming and pastoral settlement of early humans in the Indian Subcontinent. ... State whether the sentence is true (T) or false (F). 8. Dogs, pigs, goat, sheep, cattle, horses and donkeys. Answer: Explanation: Sickles that were found at many Neolithic sites had been used by the early humans for harvesting crops. How did people become herders? In the New Stone Age, which extended from 8,000 BC to 4,000 BC, the humans started producing food. The surplus crops were exchanged with other groups through barter system. Early man became a herder of animals initially by: a. Write short notes on – Daily life of early humans, Mehrgarh Period I. Q.17 In what ways grain was used by the early people? Animals were a source of _____ and meat. (iii) Which was not a way of storing grains in the early days? Matching Skill They found evidences of various grains at different sites in Bihar, UP, Burzahom and Andhra Pradesh. Make a list of all the animals mentioned in the table on page 25 of the textbook. Wheat and barley were the first crops to be cultivated. They started to grow crops at one place. It was one of the first places where people grew barley and wheat and reared sheep, and goat. (a) Burzahom Question 16. [V. Paiyarnpalli. The pits had steps that led to the bottom. They lived like nomads. The last example is from the Yami who occupied a small island south of Formosa. These solutions for Early Humans Ii are extremely popular among Class 6 students for Social science Early Humans Ii Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams. Answer: Farmers and herders usually lived in groups and these groups are called tribes. (c) Mahagara c. Mizoram Many evidences of polished stone tools, ceramic, mortars, pots have been found in Daojali Hading, a Neolithic site in Assam. A pit house (also spelled pithouse and alternatively called pit dwelling or pit structure) is a class of residential house type used by non-industrial cultures all over our planet. List three ways in which the lives of farmers and herders would have been different from that of hunter-gatherers. 1. True pithouses used the wall of the pit as the wall of the house, setting the posts outside the pit, along the outside perimeter. 2. This discouraged the reuse of the possessions by other people. _____ is the study of human history and pre-history through the excavation of sites and the analysis of physical remains. (v) A site in present-day Andhra Pradesh is ………………… (c) C B A 2. The correct answer is option (b). Counting them b. b. wheat and barley (vi) Pit-houses were made in ………………. Jadeite is a…………, probably brought from China. These are polished stone tools, ceramics, kitchen items such as mortar, pestles and corn grinders. (b) woven baskets Q18. For instance, in Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir) people built pit-houses, which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them. They moved from one place from another in search of food, water and shelter. Stone tools were used to dig circular pits in the ground, which were then plastered on the sides using mud. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence: State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F). True ( ) (b) People in Burzahom lived in rectangular houses. Q22: How did early men used to tame animals? (b) Mahagara This led to an This is because of the following reasons: (vii) Archaeologists have found levels having ……………….. The correct answer is option (c). Cattle bones They started growing their own plants. They also started domesticating animals for various purposes. The correct answer is option (b). This is how people became herders. _____________________ is an important Neolithic site in Assam. People grow crops to meet their daily food and some other needs. Hunter-gatherers made and used pots. Name some of the animals domesticated by early humans. To store liquids and cooked food The pits had steps that led to the bottom. Bones of wild animals Q12: Archaeologists have found pit-houses in Burzahom (in present-day Kashmir), which were dug into the ground, with steps leading into them. NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. It has been assumed that this was the site where early humans first cultivated crops and domesticated animals. We do not grow grain. Their other activities included hunting and gathering food, trading produces through barter system. True or False: An opening at the top of an earthen home allowed light into the windowless structure, while allowing smoke ti escape from the fire pit below. b. Mismagiri Daojali Hading is a Neolithic site in Assam. (d) Dogs. These may have provided shelter in cold weather. Paiyampalli is a Neolithic site in Madhya Pradesh. Explanation: The Neolithic Age lasted from 8,000 BC to 4,000 BC. (i) Paiyampalli (ii) Hallur. Remains of square or rectangular houses have been found in ……….. ……… and ………. c. Sickles A cross-cultural middle range model of pit-house architecture using the Ethnographic Atlas found that 82 of the 862 societies in the sample occupy pit structures as either their primary or secondary dwellings. (b) herders → skilled → gatherers → hunter→ gatherers The quality of pottery improved after the wheel was invented. Daojali Hading is located close to the route to Iran. Answer: Mortars and pestles are Neolithic tools used even today for grinding grain. Burzahom in Srinagar, Kashmir is a site where many pit-houses have been found. Many pit-houses have been found at The oldest examples are shelters within caves, followed by houses of wood, straw, and rock. The arrangement made by the people for the dead was: a. People often protected these animals from attacks by other wild animals. They used tools of different forms from the earlier Palaeolithic stage people. c. dancing The houses had a roof over the pits for shelter. What were pit-houses and where have they been found? Explanation: Charred grains and sickles had been found on sites. 14.According to the Archeologists, what kind of houses were built by people in Burzahom? 1. Upper levels found by archaeologists reveal older objects. Answer: People made large clay pots or wove baskets, or dug pits into the ground. When a Dream House Becomes a Money Pit Steve and Michelle Hicks have temporarily moved out of their home at 264 Glen Avenue in Millburn, … Some were responsible for harvesting crops, some to take care of the animals, some to make pots. These were then baked in fire. Singing and ___________ must have been popular modes of entertainment. Humans observed the places where edible plants were found, they wondered how seed broke off stalks, fell on the ground, and new plants sprouted from them. Several burial sites have also been found in Mehrgarh. Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below: (i) The first animal to be tamed was ……………….. 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Answer: Pit-houses were built by people by digging into the ground, with steps leading into them. (c) Goats Daily life of early humans: The early humans lived in groups that had leaders. The dead were buried with burial goods such as tools, ornaments, pottery, etc. The most elder or the strongest member of the group was selected as the leader. This made their lives stable. (d) the goat’s wild ancestor. You will also love the ad-free experience on Meritnation’s Ratna Sagar History Solutions Solutions. Different types of houses were built by farmers and herders. A five-bedroom house in Rexburg, Idaho, looks like a steal for just more than $100,000, but only if you don't mind the nest of slithering garter snakes it sits upon. True or False: Slavey, Dogrib, and Hare were three examples of Western Subarctic groups. 4. Transportation from one place to another became faster and easier. Answer: These sites can be found in the north-west, in present-day Kashmir and in east and South India. ... Remains circle and triangle houses were found in the site of Mehrgarh. These were required to sustain their agricultural way of life. d. Mismagiri. Pit houses might have provided shelter in cold weather. Answer: This proves that the humans had moved on from being hunter-gatherers to food producers. (d) Burzahom. Look at the table on page 25 of the textbook/ If Neinuo wanted to eat rice, which are the places she would have visited? Answer: Pit-houses were built by people by digging into the ground, with steps leading into them. Explanation: Early humans were hunter-gatherers. View NCERT Solutions for all chapters of Class 6, FREE Downloadable NCERT Solutions.Works without internet, ps and tamed animals. b. Jirania This was the source of their food. C. Bones of sheep and goat They became farmers due to these changes. Ans : True. Rice requires ……….. water than wheat and barley, (more/less). People who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time to look after plants-protecting them from birds, animals and their other fellows so that they could grow and crops or seeds could-ripen safely. How did agriculture change the life of early humans? Pottery was not found. a. Burzahom To say that the design of the homes was basic was putting it mildly, but there are some who believe that the pit houses may have been a little more elaborate than we imagined. Explanation: Dancing and singing were community activities and also popular modes of entertainment. (a)the goat as we know today Most houses were square or rectangular. The invention of wheel was an important step towards progress for early humans in the following ways: (c) Chirand is a site in Kashmir. The correct answer is option (d). The correct answer is option (a). It was their belief that the dead would have a smooth after-life with their personal possessions present in the grave. (d) Jadeite, found in Daojali Hading, may have been brought from China c. barley and maize Therefore, they no longer moved from one place to another in search of food, water and shelter. True/False. Answer: Sheep, goat, cattle, and pig were considered relatively gentle. In general, archaeologists and anthropologists define pit structures as any non-contiguous building with floors lower than the ground surface (called semi-subterranean). d. Scissors. Answer: The first animal to be tamed was the wild ancestor of the dog. Cooking chimney corners were also found both inside and outside the huts. We live in a big city. The earliest remains of pit burial is ascribed to the Period II. Do you grow the cereals you have listed in answer no. They have been found in Burzahom. 1. [V. ii) They found bones of domesticated animals like dogs, cattle, sheep, ox, etc. Q21: Name the first animal to be tamed by the early people. Chart showing the stages in growing: II. d) In earlier times, coins were made of … (a) boxes What order do these levels indicate of what happened first and what happened later? (A) Marble houses (B) Glass houses (C) Pit houses (D) Hay houses 15. Ancient wood that has hardened into stone is called _____. Tractors (a) Cows Early humans learned to make clay pots, which were shaped by hand. Dancing and singing served as ways of recreation. Why did the ancient people make such type of pit houses? In archaeology, a pit-house is frequently … Charred grains and sickles have been found, which prove that humans had started cultivating crops by this time. They have been found in Burzahom. Protecting them c. Killing them d. eating them 10. 5. These were not revolutions. The use of potter's wheel enabled early humans to make pots of various sizes and shapes. b) CE stands for Communist Era c) The material of the past are always discovered by chance no special effort is ever made by archeologist. Answer: Pit-houses were built by people by digging into the ground, with steps leading into them. Describe the site of Mehrgarh. The popular modes of entertainment were singing, dancing and painting. 2.The burial goods were also given as a sacrifice to the ancestors. There were tools that were polished so as to give a fine cutting edge, and mortars and pestles were used for grinding grain and other plant produce. Charred grains, sickles and bones of animals were found, which proved that early humans grew crops and settled here. (a) Hallur The first cereals to be grown were wheat and barley. Answer: The pits were generally broad at the base and narrow near the opening. a. aluminium Answer: Neinuo would have visited these places if she wanted to eat rice: The houses were simple, square- and rectangular-shaped mud houses. ____________________ is the earliest known farming and pastoral settlement in the Indian subcontinent. Q.16 Which historical events took place about 8,000 years ago? The early humans initially used to hunt wild animals and gather fruits and nuts from the trees. (A) Daojali (B) Burzahom (C) Chirand (D) Mehrgarh 6.where do we find tools made of fossil wood? Explanation: Burzahom was the first Neolithic site discovered in Kashmir. The pots were used as cooking vessels or for storing grains. Bones of animals have been found in the sites and shows that cattle, sheep and goats were domesticated. and this made them herders. Neolithic Age extended from 8,000 BC to 4,000 BC. They also learned how to get the attention of animals by taming them and providing them food. The earliest evidences of their food production was fou. What enabled early humans to make pots of different shapes and sizes in much lesser time? 3. Grasslands developed in many areas. In more recent times, pit houses were found in the Northern part of Europe and were common between the 5th and 12th centuries. And thus, they became farmers. They have been found in Burzahom. Then, they began producing their food by cultivation of crops and also domesticated animals. Describe the pit-houses found at Burzahom. Some of the pit houses had clay or stone ovens, which were used for cooking food. And settled here and lasts for a long time also given as a dugout, pig! Mehrgarh indicate hunting came after herding group was selected as the leader Kashmir and in east south! Are: ( I ) Paiyampalli ( ii ) which of these is the earliest known villages grown... Many sites present in the Neolithic Age extended from 8,000 BC to 4,000 BC of sheep and goat for... Saw that they could attract and tame animals are Neolithic tools used even today generally broad at the base narrow. Be tamed was the earliest known villages is a site where early humans another. This because different plants grow in different conditions many animals which lived on the sides using mud d. eating 10! 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