She was the wife of the god Silenus. AMPELOS One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. ASTRIS A star nymph daughter of the sun-god Helius. PERSEIS An Oceanid nymph of Persia loved by the sun-god Helius. CABEIRO (Kabeiro) A Haliad nymph of the island of Lemnos in the north Aegean. In Episode 115, two of these nymphs are destroyed by mortals, which causes Persephone's act of wrath. ASTYOCHE (Astyokhe) A Naiad nymph of the town of Troy in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). CLEOMEDE (Kleomede) A Naiad nymph of the main town of Paeonia (modern day Macedonia). LIBYA (1) The goddess nymph of north Africa. 123, &c., xii. Two nymphs carrying Persephone in a litter. THELPUSA (Thelpousa) The Naiad nymph of the town of Thelpusa in Arcadia, southern Greece. They were nurses of the god Zeus who were placed amongst the stars as the constellations Ursa Major and Minor. Persephone and her handmaiden flower nymphs in Episode 59. They were handmaidens of the goddess Circe. She was the wife of the early king Phoroneus. She was the mother of the god Hermes by Zeus. Her plant was wild vine. She was the wife of the island's first king Ancaeus. MEROPE (1) The Pleiad nymph of the town of Corinth in southern Greece. AETHUSA (Aithousa) A nymph daughter of Poseidon and the Pleaid Alcyone. ALCINOE (Alkinoe) A Naiad nymph of Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia, the Peloponnese, central Greece. She was loved by the god Poseidon who abducted her to the island. ALEXIRHOE A Naiad nymph of the springs of the River Grenicus on Mount Ida in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). The goddess saw through the ploy and plagued her with a gladfly forcing her to wander all the way to Egypt. "LADONIDES" Naiads of the River Ladon in Arcadia in Peloponnese. WARNING: The following contains mentions of rape and sexual harassment, as well as MAJOR spoilers for Lore Olympus Season 1, by Rachel Smythe, available now on Webtoons.. Lore Olympus has taken the webcomic world by storm with its reimaging of the Greek myths, slow burn love story and colorful, charismatic characters.Season 1 went on a brief hiatus; however it came back … MINTHE A Naiad nymph of Mount Minthe in Elis, southern Greece. She was the wife of the Eleusinian prince Branchus. Along with the contemporary take on the Underworld and Mount Olympus, Smythe re-examines the original stories in a way that addresses the more problematic behaviors and actions of the gods, like rape, harassment and abuse. SPHRAGITIDES Naiad or Oread nymphs of a cavern oracle on Mount Cithaeron in Attica, southern Greece. SOSE A prophetic Oread nymph of the region of Arcadia in southern Greece. A woodland nymph that works under Demeter. Nymphs are female humanoid deities in Lore Olympus. She was loved by the Trojan prince Bucolion. THETIS The goddess-nymph leader of the Nereids. CYMOPOLEIA (Kymopoleia) A Haliad nymph of the waves. THEONOE A Haliad nymph daughter of the god Proteus. DAPHNE A Naiad nymph of the River Ladon in Arcadia in the Peloponnese or the River Peneus in Thessaly, northern Greece. METHONE (1) The Naiad nymph of the town of Methone in Pieria, Macedonia, northern Greece. She was loved by the god Apollo. She was loved by prince Aesacus of Troy. She was the mother of the daemon Ascalaphus by the infernal river Acheron. ARGYRA A Halias or Naiad nymph of the town of Argyra in Achaea, southern Greece. She was transformed into a stand of river-reeds during the lascivious pursuit of the god Pan. A nymph nurse at the hospital transporting scrubs. HAMADRYAS The Dryad nymph of the oak tree. MELANIPPE A nymph of Mount Pelion in Thessaly, northern Greece. Some of them had their life force bound to that of a specific tree, usually the loftiest in a forest, or one in a sacred grove of the gods. ELECTRA (1) (Elektra) The Oceanid cloud-nymph representing the amber-tinge of storm clouds illuminated by the sun. GLAUCE (1) (Glauke) A Naiad nymph of Mount Lycaeus in Arcadia in the Peloponnesose. She was the wife of the Egyptian King Belus. TRITEIA A Haliad nymph of the town of Triteia in Achaea, southern Greece. ASCRA (Askre) The Naiad nymph of the town of Ascra in Boeotia. PHILODICE (Philodike) An Argive Naiad and wife of Leucippus king of Messenia. CALLIANEIRA (Kallianeira) One of the fifty Nereids. It particularly focuses on one of the most famous myths, the Taking of Persephone, and how she became the Queen of the Underworld. She was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis. HIPPE An Argive Naiad nymph of the spring of Hippe. She was loved by the god Apollo. ASTEROPE (1) A Naiad nymph of the river Cebren in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). "SERIPHIAN" NAIAD (Naias Seriphia) An unnamed Naiad of the island of Seriphos in the Greek Aegean. She was the mother of the daemon Ascalaphus by the infernal river Acheron. She was spurned by the god Dionysus and so tried to dissuade Ariadne from consorting with the god. Discover (and save!) "LATIN" NAIADS (Naiades Latiniai) Naiads of the rivers, springs and fountains of Latium--the Roman kingdom--in central Italy. She was the wife of the river-god Inachus. Nymphs, also referred to as Elves are minor goddesses, with the form of beautiful young maidens. They were nurses of the god Zagreus. 91 notes. ISMENE (2) The Oceanid and Naiad nymph of the Ismenian spring of Thebes in Boeotia, central Greece. PHIGALIA A Dryad nymph of the town of Phigalia in Arcadia, southern Greece. A pregnant nymph on a poster at the clinic. Her plant was the cherry tree. MEROPE (2) The Oceanid nymph mother of Phaethon by the sun-god Helius. She was transformed into a fountain by the god Dionysus after Amphion and Zethus had her killed by binding her to a wild bull. They were the attendants of the goddess Britomartis. She was raped by the impious King Ixion and spawned the tribe of Centaurs. INACHIDES (Inakhides) Naiads of the river Inachus and the springs of Argolis in the Peloponnese. EUBOEA (2) (Euboia) One of the three Asterionides, nymphs of the River Asterion in Argolis in the Peloponnese. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus. GALATEA (Galateia) One of the fifty Nereid nymphs. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 3px arm (Slim) Background Flower Nymph (Lore Olympus Inspired) BluzetteZira. A comment by Persephone during Episode 131 mentions that rivers are "long-lasting," hinting that river nymphs live for a long time. STROPHIA The Naiad nymph of a spring on Mount Cithaeron in Boeotia, central Greece. NEREIDS (Nereides) Fifty Haliad sea-nymphs. RHETIA A nymph of the island of Samothrace in the Greek Aegean. ASOPIS The Naiad nymph of the town of Asopis. Persephone and her handmaiden flower nymphs in Episode 100. She was loved by the Elean King Pelops. ACRAEA (Akraia) One of the three Asterionides, nymphs of the River Asterion in Argos, the Peloponnesos, southern Greece. She was the wife of the Indian River-God Hydaspes. AETHERIE One of the Heliad nymphs who were transformed into amber-weeping poplar trees. HYALE One of the Oceanids in the retinue of the goddess Artemis. THESSALIDES Naiad nymphs of the River Peneus in Thessaly, northern Greece. Like River nymphs, they appear to display water powers when upset, as seen when Thetis' hair becomes watery and she sprouts a pair of water wings when upset with Minthe. She was loved by the Athenian lord Teleon. They were attendants of the goddess Artemis. ABARBAREE A Naiad nymph of the River Aesepus in the Troad, Anatolia (modern Turkey). She was the wife of King Athamas who sent the flying, golden-fleeced ram to rescue her children when their stepmother conspired to have them sacrificed. POLYPHE The Oceanid nymph mother of the goddess Athena Hippeia by Poseidon. NEPHELE (3) One of the Oceanids in the retinue of the goddess Artemis. DAULIS The Naiad nymph of the town of Daulis in Boeotia, central Greece. PEGAEA (Pegaia) One of the Ionides, Naiads of the healing springs of the River Cytherus in Elis in the Peloponnese. SYCE (Syke) One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. MYCALESSIDES (Mykalessides) Naiads and Oreads of Mount Mycale in Caria, Anatolia (modern Turkey). CYNOSURA (Kynosoura) One of the Idaean nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete. SIRENS (Seirenes) Three Naiad nymph companions of Persephone. CLEOCHAREIA (Kleokhareia) A Naiad nymph of the River Eurotas in Lacedaemonia, southern Greece. She was wooed by both Zeus and Poseidon but when it was revealed that she was destined to bear a son greater than his father, the gods married her to the mortal Peleus. "PHASEIDES" Naiads of the streams and marshes of the River Phasis in Colchis at the eatern end of the Black Sea. Witness what the gods do…after dark. AEX (2) (Aix) One of the nymphs of Mount Ida on the island of Crete in the Greek Aegean. She was loved by the god Poseidon. NYMPHS (Nymphai) Minor goddesses or spirits (daimonaissai) of nature. Flower nymphs appear to largely live in the Mortal Realm, where they work under Demeter. ORNEA The Naiad nymph of the town of Orneae in Sicyonia, southern Greece. She was usually named Eidothea. She was a nurse and one of the first Bacchantes of the god Dionysus. They were handmaidens of the goddess nymph Calypso. OCEANIDS (Okeanides) Nymphs who presided over the sources of fresh water--both earthly, the streams and fountains, and heavenly, moist breezes and rain-clouds. DRYOPE A Hamadryad or Naiad nymph of Mount Oeta in Malis, central Greece. PLEIADES Seven star-nymphs daughters of the Titan Atlas who were transformed into constellation Pleiades. MAENADS (Mainades) The frenzied nymphs of the train of Dionysus. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythology’s greatest stories -- The Taking of Persephone -- as it’s never been told before. She was a nurse of the god Dionysus. MEMPHIS The Naiad nymph of the city of Memphis in Egypt, North Africa. MELITE (1) A Naiad nymph of the mythical island of the Phaeacians (sometimes identified with Corcyra). AMPHITRITE One of the Nereids or Oceanids. She was loved by the River-God Nile. IYNX An Oread nymph of Boeotia, in central Greece. But they were believed to dwell on earth in groves, on the summits of mountains, in rivers, streams, glens, and grottoes. NACOLE (Nakole) The Naiad nymph of the town of Nacoleia in Phrygia, Anatolia (modern Turkey). AEGEIROS (Aigeiros) One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. EUBOEA (1) (Euboia) The Naiad nymph of the town of Chalcis in Euboeia, central Greece. She was the wife of the Trojan King Laomedon. HARPINA The Naiad nymph of the town of Pisa in Elis, southern Greece. CRENAEAE (Krenaiai) Naiad nymphs of wells and fountains. She was loved by the god Ares. OPIS One of the Hyperborean nymphs, handmaidens of the goddess Artemis, from the mythical northern land of Hyperborea. She was the mother of the Charites (Graces) by Zeus. ELECTRA (2) (Elektra) The Pleiad nymph of Mount Saon on the island of Samothrace in the Greek Aegean. She was an attendant of the goddess Britomartis. She was usually named Perseis. She was perhaps the personified spirit of success. PTELEA One of the eight Hamadryad nymphs. sofieav. She was loved by the local prince Hippomedon. She was loved by the god Apollo. CHESIAS (Khesias) A Naiad nymph of the island of Samos in the Greek Aegean. EPHYRA The Oceanid nymph of the town of Corinth on the Isthmus in southern Greece. High quality Lore Olympus gifts and merchandise. ANIPPE A Naiad nymph of the River Nile in Egypt. Who abducted her to A wild bull other nymphs Leimenides nymphs of fresh-water marshes and wetlands her love Anigrus. 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